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"Hey guys! Let's go outside and hang out!" Said Taehyung as they all go back to their dorm. "No Taehyung, the dance practice just finished, give us some rest would you?" It was a cold response from Yoongi that made Taehyung shut his mouth and lose his smile.

But kept positive and maybe go out alone for some fresh air, although he needs to look out for the fans.
He goes back to his room, changes his outfit and wears a mask, making sure nobody could recognize him.

As soon as he opens the door, he felt the cold breeze which he loved. Taehyung walks around the street, luckily the people never noticed him.

He was out just for a little while before going back, but before he even opened the door he could hear the 6 memebers laughing together.

Silence came when he step foot in the dorm. Taehyung was confused but ignored it. "What are you guys doing?"
Taehyung asked as the 6 members look at eachother waiting for who will answer Taehyung, none of them even wanted to talk to him. Taehyung asked with a smile which made them disgusted.

"Nah, nothing, you can go back to your room now." Again, more words from Yoongi made Taehyung lose his smile.
He wanted to cry, but he was able to hold it until he comes to his room, the tears spilled.

All he wanted was to hang out with them and have good times, but that never happened. No matter how much he tried to approach them they keep saying harsh words and avoid him.

Most of the time, he was always left alone, in his room he plays games alone, go on his phone, or do whatever he wants, just not have a nice talk with the members.

Taehyung wipes the tears and takes his jacket off and hangs them.
He takes his shoes off as well and lays down the bed and felt like he regained his energy again.

It's night time, and as soon as he heard Seokjin say "Dinner Time!" Taehyung quickly went down stairs, he was the first one and saw Seokjin with a...not so happy face. "Is something wrong Hyung?" Seokjin shakes his head and gives him just one piece of the egg he cooked, one sausage, and a small amount of rice. "There, eat" Said Seokjin as he lets Taehyung sit down and the other memebers came down as well.
But when they sat down, they received more food than what Taehyung had, and even had some pasta.

"No way? Pasta?" Taehyung wanted to have some but when he looked at the pot, there was no more. "Sorry, I just cooked a little bit, be fast enough or you'll never get it." There goes Seokjin again as he sits down and starts to eat.
Taehyung was upset he couldn't get pasta.

He was first to go back to his bedroom, but after an hour, he felt hungry again.
The food that Seokjin gave him wasn't enough. All he could do was wait until morning for breakfast.

Taehyung was able to sleep fast while the other memebers watched movies until midnight. They were so relax that they didn't have to hear or see Taehyung.

"I've been waiting for a moment like this, without that brat." Said Jimin with a smile. Followed by Hoseok who said, "Same here." Jungkook couldn't hold his sleepiness and slept on Seokjin's shoulder. While Namjoon didn't say anything and focused more on the movie, but he had the same in mind with Jimin and Hoseok.

They watched different movies, enjoying the whole night until it was finally time to sleep.

It's 3:45 AM, all lights in the dorm are closed. It was silent, but someone slowly opened the door. Someone wearing all black and a hood covering his head.

In his mind, he said, "Let's see how all of you react to my plan" He closes the door and tried to make as less sounds as possible. The man makes his way to Taehyung's room. To a surprise, it wasn't locked.

He slowly opens the door and sees Taehyung sleeping peacefully.
He then grabs his syringe with a drug that could make the person sleep.
He'll need it incase Taehyung would wake up from his deep sleep.

The man gets near Taehyung until he sees his face, but Taehyung wakes up and before he could scream the man covered his mouth and injected the drug on Taehyung.

Taehyung goes back to his sleep and the man ties his arms and legs. Now all he has to do is to bring him all the way to the secret cabin he has.

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