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descriptive violence
mentions of mental illness
mature language

It was the first day of senior year. I barely recognized the place due to not being here so long. I had forgotten the feeling of being at school. Not only that, but I had just returned after a semesters worth of an expulsion. Now you might be asking what got me expelled, well i'll tell you that later. I was walking alone, as always trying to navigate my way through this trash dump they call a school.

I mean really this place needs to be shut down.

Within the past couple of months a lot happened. First my entire friend group stopped talking me something about how I was a bad influence. Secondly, was the decline of my mental health. Thirdly, the incident. The incident I'm referring to was the main reason for most of my problems at the moment. The incident started with me getting expelled. Then from there was the decline in my mental health, and the loss of all my friends. It was depressing, honestly. To think that it all became a problem because I couldn't set my emotions aside for one god damn minute, if I had done that I wouldn't be where I am now.

-Seven months ago-

Ugh god I hate this place was the very first thought whenever I walked into school. I went along with my day as usual, that was until lunch. At first lunch started off as it usually would, and then it got worse. I was eating my lunch with my friend group when I ended up getting hit in the back of the head with a milk carton. It happened so fast, I barely even had enough time to react. Milk was all over me, head to toe. Now everyone was staring at me.


I got up from my seat and looked around, only to be met with green eyes. I knew who those eyes belonged to, and god did I hate them. They belonged to no other than Eren fucking Jaeger. I turned back to get my stuff and then I heard it.


I heard it loud and clear, it wasn't coming from the cafeteria though just one person. I turned around to see Eren laughing.

He had the nerve to fucking laugh.

I was past the point of being angry, I was shaking at that point. The adrenaline through my body was making me feel like I was going to pass out, I felt so weak. I wasn't going to let him just get away with it, usually I'd appear calm and restricted not engaging in conflict. This it was the last straw. I put my book bag down and walked over to the table where he was. I didn't care if his friends were around him at the moment, all I cared about was beating Eren fucking Jaeger's ass. I walked over to the table, still covered in milk. I slammed my hands on the table, so loud to the point where I got the entire cafeteria's attention. Eren was no longer laughing, instead he had an expression of shock. I guess he thought I wasn't going to do anything.

He was wrong. So wrong.

"What so now you don't want to laugh? What are you surprised I came up here and actually said something? You thought I was just gonna sit in my chair like a little bitch while you did that to me? You were wrong, so fucking wrong."

He just sat there with a blank expression. I was pissed. I didn't even give him time to react, and before I could do anything everything went black. The next few moments I didn't remember anything, I had blacked out. The only thing I remembered was becoming conscious and seeing blood on the floor. It wasn't my blood though, I looked up to see who it belonged to. Sure enough there he was, sprawled out on the floor trying to stop the massive amounts of blood gushing from his nose. It looked bad, very bad. I couldn't believe that I had done that to him. He was sprawled out on the floor, bloodied. His nose wasn't the only thing I had ended up hitting, from what I could see he was littered in cuts and bruises. He wasn't even able to move his jaw. The only injury I noticed on me was my knuckles.

They were bruised.

Everything after that was a blur.

-Present time-

After the fight I had with Jaeger, I had gotten expelled. Mostly because that wasn't the only fight I had gotten in that year, now don't get me wrong I wasn't a bad kid or known for fighting, it was just people. I let people disrespect me, and when I finally ended up exploding it'd usually result in someone ending up hurt. I was never the one hurt in the situation, but I was somehow seen as the bad guy. After the whole expulsion incident I had gotten arrested. I was arrested for assault, and even had to pay for that assholes medical bills. Turned out, I had ended up breaking Eren's nose and dislocated his jaw. For the next couple of months I was stuck paying medical bills, medical bills for an asshole who deserved it anyway. I had gotten the option to either go to jail or do anger management for 9 months. I didn't want to go to jail, I had heard of the horrors of jail and I dreaded even the thought of it. I chose anger management, it wasn't the worst option honestly, I kinda enjoyed the idea of going to anger management. For as long as I could remember I was an angry child, usually taking my anger out on people and going way too "overboard" with it. I wanted help, and so I saw it as 2 birds 1 stone situation. I regularly attended anger management classes usually 2x a week for about 2 hours. Things seemed to be going back to normal, they seemed to be getting better.
this is my first time writing fanfiction, but do you guys like it? this y/n is different from any other one, mostly because it's based off of yours truly (without the whole romance part tho) . i'm srry for any grammar mistakes.
- picture creds to @wattpad on pinterest
-word count: 1068

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