Chapter 9 - The Concert

Start from the beginning

“Fun,” I said as he dragged me into another room.

“This is the kitchen. We spend the rest of our time in here eating all kinds of junk food.” I nodded my head not really knowing what else to say. He took me into a hallway. “This over here is a bathroom, and this is a closet,” he said pointing to random doors. “I have no idea what this one is,” he said as he opened one of the doors. “Oh dang its a laundry room. HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A LAUNDRY ROOM?” he screamed to the rest of the boys.

“What no way!”


“How come we didn’t know about this before??”

The rest of the boys came running down the hall to see this magnificent new discovery.

“WHOAAAA this place is sickk!” Luke said as they all starting jamming the buttons on the washer and dryer.

“Guys don’t break it on the first day!” Ashton screamed. “And c’mon we need to go we are already late..again.”

“Aww we’ll have to finish the tour later,” Cal says to me, and they all raced to the car.

“I call shotgun!!!!!!!” someone screamed.

“NUH UH I already called it Michael!” Luke yelled.

“You got it last time!”

“NOOO Ash did bro!”

“Whatever I get it on the way home!” Michael pouted as he slouched into the back of the van.

“Are they always like this?” I asked Ildri laughing.

“Yeah pretty much, it’s like living in a house with infants,” she said.

“Oh how fun that must be!” I said sarcastically.

“Totally,” she said rolling her eyes.

“Addie this is our driver. His name is Chives,” Calum said (a/n shoutout to those of you who understood this reference)

“Hey Chives,” I said. He did the “sup” head nod as a response.


After like 15 minutes of random conversations and me mostly talking to Ildri, we had arrived to the venue. Calum showed me around quickly before he had to get on stage and rehearse.

The boys were currently rehearsing, and Ildri and I were hanging out backstage until she had to perform.

“So are you gonna watch from backstage or sit in the audience?” Ildri asked.

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