alpha doomsday part 1

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3 months has passed since the attack in Japan and many have speculated that monsters have came from a different dimension or space.

In a while arms was dealing with a difficult problem

"We asked the board have approved of your frontier project and are giving necessary tools to reach it. as you know in the past 2 months the sun has been giving off harsh rays that have been affecting this planet greatly we've sent gec to investigate. We have exactly 2 years before the sun completely dies out however there's a chance we could save it we've done research and there is an unstable amount of energy if we add the artificial sun to it it will restore the natural flow and give off more Eco positive ways and possibly improve the Earth's current dilemma. "Said Stephanie of the board

"Understood man we'll get to work manufacturing the project right away thank you for your time and effort and your materials "Luke said hanging up

The captain of arms then turned around and his team saluted him.

"We have exactly 4 weeks to complete this project we haven't a stable amount of time and send a note to the development team we need a ship that can tank the heat of the Sun "

An issue was put out to the development team and they had two weeks to design a spacecraft capable of maintaining life at such heats.

"Sir I believe this is strongly impossible we'll have to report to the Captain tomorrow " said a measly worker trying to figure out the equation

"Well actually you're wrong one you did the equation wrong until you answered it wrong. If we created out of a thin layer of titanium and then add whatever metals and let it cool for the next couple days then it should be able to tank just about anything "

Enlightenment the team continued working until their desire to accomplishment was complete.

After that they shipped it off to the main room and waited for it to cool down.

It took it three full months to completely cool down meanwhile Luke was figuring out some new moves.

(If I could just flip into the air in sync with starman then we can only should devastating kick with spectrum energy)

He flipped into the air and came down with a devastating kick putting a strong crack into the concrete

"Well that's enough for today after all we're going to put the girlfriend to your project into motion tomorrow.d better rest before going to space "

The captain of arms pulled out of sleeping bag and tucked in

[With Luke and starman in dream reality]

"Lucas I feel that there's an enemy named Zeppelin an evil space monster that targets planets of the solar system draining their Gaia energy however even with all my training there's no possible way for us to beat it the rings are fully recharged the decision lies on you "meteor said

"What! If an enemy that strong exist.. then we have to fight no questions asked the piece of Earth cannot be disturbed that's why you're here correct!."yelled Luke

Starman looked down ashamed of his cowardness

"I apologize. indeed Earth's piece shall not be disturbed we'll have to give it 110% if we're going to win no not even that 1,000% "starman said extending his fist forward expecting a fist bump

Luke nodded his head and fist bumped the alien and a bright light shined on them both

'my child instrumentity is coming'

[Outside of the dream]

Luke woke up with in cold sweat and looked at his hand


However he had no time to ponder on what it meant he hopped about a civilian bags and got dressed.

He walked down the narrow hallway opening doors until he got to the main room where everyone was waiting for him

"Good to see you can make it son now we have more depressing matters our research team was brutally slaughtered and their spaceship left a cryptic message "said one of the old directors

"Please recite the message for me "

It started playing and a large amount of static could be detected "humans of Earth I am alien Zeppelin the instrumentality is on its way one day all mines on the universe will be together no longer will people suffer under harsh judgment for things they have no control over no more will organisms suffer from their race I'll be a messiah wait for me all right "

Feel safe to assume the message creeped all of them out even the older directors who seen things even weirder

(Luke aliens Zeppelin is on its way here the nose everything this zero frontier it's psychic abilities hold no

(Alright )

Alarm went off indicating there was a monster

" SIR! We have a huge entity outside the atmosphere wait a minute.. IT'S HEADING RIGHT FOR US! "Jenny yelled before all the lights went out and the room started violently shaky and pillars crashed on top of some of the members.

Backup power was imported and the room was a mess dead body is laid on the ground but most alarming was one of his teammates was trapped under it obviously bleeding out

Lena had many bruises on her face same could be said for the rest of the occupants as they lifted up the rubble

However under the rubble was a badly wounded Scott his uniform still on dirt covering it

Suddenly tentacles came from the windows.

One of the workers named Riku hatsume a close friend of the team was gone I tend to go grab him from the window and crushed his body blood sprayed on the team as they were all clearly traumatized except for the captain

" Move! "Girard with the last bit of strength after seeing his friend brutally murdered

The team ran down the hallways into the hanger which was still intact

Each of them got into the arms wings and blasted off

The monster managed to sink the island killing all the remaining occupants that were still alive.

Luke knew they had not enough for us to match the least so he flew away along with the rest of his team into the sunset they would regroup in a base on the south side of the city.

Quiz for you all what do you think is going to be instrumentality this is only the first step without those arms officials arms will crumble as a unit thus ending one of the threats to the alien zepilion now is next is starman

Chronicles of starmanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon