harder stronger

2 1 0

It was another beautiful day the Sun was shining the sky was clear but most importantly arms had finally moved into their new base.

"Scott are you seeing this we're getting readings from the bottom of the Sea the same readings we witnessed before the base was attacked."Lena said typing into the keyboard

Richard and Jenny walked in on the conversation

"Captain's been in the training simulator for around 5 hours now"Jenny said with worry

[With Luke]

Five black belt martial artist charged forward aiming at vital spots however Luke was ready the first one came with a palm strike however he was wounded with a kick to the stomach followed by the chop to the neck.

The second one came a little bit more careful with a slight punch followed by a roundhouse kick which Luke immediately dodged and aimed to one of his own with his Superior speed he hit right on the DOT breaking the man's jaw

The last of them charged forward however we're immediately stopped when Luke punched both of them in the stomach and ended it with two uppercuts

Suddenly the men disappeared it was all just simulation

"Man hard mode isn't even hard I might as well go outside and train my endurance "

Luke exited the simulation before walking outside and standing on hot magma rocks while arrows will be fired at him

Each arrow pierces skin he can feel it he wanted to scream out so badly however the results of his training mustard be positive in order for him to beat the Kaiju

An old wise man walked up behind him
"young man there's no need to put yourself through this. there's a large difference between training and torturing yourself what you're doing is exhausting your limits and pretty soon you won't even be able to move. As proof of my wisdom please charge forward "

Luke did as he said and ran at the old man he aimed to start kick at the top of the man's head however the Old timer managed to block it with his arms and Alicia devastating kick of his own nearly wiping out a tree next to him

Luke fell down severely injured before his wounds and miraculously healed

"Starman meteor "

Luke was shocked to hear somebody call him that

"How do you know "Leo said grabbing the man's shoulder only to be repelled by an invisible energy

"I am Master Wu I've come a long way for you I'm one that you will call a grant elder of a sort my clan specializes in a technique and special fighting style called The mystic fist as many different variations however we use chi to repel our opponents for that you must unlock inner peace and be one with your body therefore I've alerted your team about this or their commander of sorts and you'll be taking a two-month leave "

Before the captain can protest he felt himself gently hit the ground before the world went black

[2 hours later]

Luke woke up and what appeared to be a bad of sorts except it was completely on the floor he ran out of the room only to be shocked

"I wouldn't do that if I were you our training starts now how are you escape the room without touching your shock collar all exits of the house are off limits that's an order "Master Wu said before disappearing in the blink of an eye

"What is with all people on being all poetic about things just give me the answers '

The next procedure took in 3 hours he had men to slip through the vent and out of the house which wasn't now outside of a forest

"The first step of this training the mystic fist requires the user to be both sound and mind and body until you come to find yourself you cannot use the fist to its fullest potential "

As an example of Master boost stuck his two fingers inside the joint of Luke's arm

The the captain noticed that his rings didn't flash even though they're completely charged

"All right now the first step of our training is complete on to the second you will sit underwater for 3 hours you may drown but as long as you were sound and mind and body you can always come back regain that spiritual energy this is not just any any ordinary water either. This is mystic water what I use to train 100 years ago to defeat the evil army I like them all out with one palms strike however that was with a source of power I have long passed on "

"Master Wu I believe that the energy that you speak of is still has remains of it inside of your soul when an energy comes in contact with it it never truly leaves. And I can feel something different about you from other people I don't know if it's your status but I'm begging you I need to fight the monster that is coming teach me the mystic fist I believe in you sir! "Luke said before bowing on the ground

Master Wu nodded his head

"I want you to only train in this special clothing I have had my students make it increases the chances of spiritual energy and on top of that is the serum I made a long time ago that gave me the power I have however since you are connected to starman it will give the power to him."

Luke knocks his head and puts on the training gear before diving into the water and sitting there

'Luke I've never taken the time to tell you this but she become extremely strong you're beyond most humans in this solar system you've been underwater for around 3 hours and I can feel this energy you inside of me I never knew I had.'

The two continue their training until Luke Masters the ability to transform

"Luke I've never asked you this but how do you feel the energy what is it like when you transform "Master Wu asked

Luke up for a moment before carefully answering.

"Warm light could be seen in the distance as I walked towards it I could see the battle happening it was more of a first person you therefore I temporary control over what to do after all one second out there is an entire day within the walls of star man's mindscape therefore we could decide how to battle this one most efficiently "

Is that question out of the way Luke managed to learn the mystic fist in a stunning five weeks after training with it for the next 10

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