beings of light feel love

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It was a warm night in the arm space each member was asleep including Luke the captain however starman is drifting into a soft slumber


The hero was jolted awake in the mindscape of his host

"Meteor "

The familiar voice he was completely awake now and aware of his surroundings

The voice held hospitality and he had heard it before it was none other than his childhood friend Nexus the girl that had an obsession/crush on him and tried to seduce him multiple times

However they still became friends

"Nexus where are you! "

He awaited a reply and soon enough it came a vision appeared of her stranded on a distant planet he can get there in around 3 minutes but his host was asleep

" LUKE! "

The captain was shaking awake with the loud yell

(Starman what is it)-luke

(There's not a lot of time to explain once we transform I'll share my memories)-meteor

With a bright flash of light Luke was now gone and outside the base it's starting staring up at the Moon

"Kaguya are you truly there"

The hero from beyond the stars awaited his answer suddenly the moon radiated power

"I've come to tell you my love. The dark empire is making its way into the Galaxy you face many corrupted monsters I've also wanted to tell you something else. "

Star man slowly nodded

"I remember when I was younger my parents sold me off to a marriage a loveless one however to save me from that your father intercepted it with one of his own of greater value. You got much to do once you leave Earth but the main thing is we must get married I truly do love you "

They'll invisible you could see starman was indeed blushing

"All right I understand I'll come to love you as one too my name is meteor my father was a brave warrior who also studied the Stars however my mother was a full-on astronomer. My little siblings are recovering from a near death I've gotten work that my older siblings have recovered at our repairing the house "

The princess of the Moon nodded her head before she slowly started to disappear

As she did a meteor crashed relatively close to the hero

He walked over and picked it up it has a strange Aura to it it started cracking he immediately dropped it as it heated up

A bright light illuminated the area before a monster came out of it immediately shifting into fighting stance they unleashed a barrage of kicks to the beast before jumping into the air and coming down with an ax handle.

Starman began to waver as his energy had been depleted from the last couple battles

Suddenly a stray beam hidden from behind trapping him in a bubble

"At long last I finally caught you starman."

The hero then yelled "who are you and what do you want me "

He could feel the being smirking behind its mask evidently it was female.

"See my kind is attracted to strong males however our male population is died off and therefore you're the most accessible source."

Stepping out of the shadows it revealed a female yeah many vampire like attributes

"Starman you defended to the Earth that we have now to claim. As an alien I order you to stand down hi princess Ray blood "

"I don't know who you think you are but you can't tell me to stand down let's do this "

Firing spectrum beam aiming to do damage however she easily stopped it with her hand shocking starman

"As of being of darkness no amount of light can possibly harm me.COME HERE! "She yelled before she wrapped her and around star man's throat

With his eyes flickering he desperately tries to break free however the vampire from space had other plans

"Children with you will prove to be fruitful to my cause "

After those words were receptive starman tried to break free even more desperately trying to release the hold that The vampire woman had on him

Suddenly his bracelet flashed shooting a beam into the sky

Suddenly the Moon glowed brightly and a bean flew back to Earth

Letting go of the weekend hero the vampiric woman looked up and saw kaguya with and enraged look before she fired a beam of energy

Shaking the beam of energy off The vampire  fired her own beam of darkness.

However starman intercepted it

He crouched down on one knee as he absorbed the  damage

While the vampire was distracted a joint effort between a spectrum powered light Ray ended the vampire

Nodding his head he flew to the moon where they would meet up and talk.

"I understand that you have your duties now and I completely agree you'll be joining the Andro defense Force with andromelos I am very proud after you get back I want to have children."

"I completely agree with your methods therefore when I returned from my duties I will indeed leave the father of our children. Please wait for me however I will contact you if the wait is too long I don't want you wasting anymore of your life on a me "

"Wasting my life? You forget that we are both immortal first and second of all I'd rather waste my life and get at least a glimpse of a chance to be with you then be without"

They shared a long hug before parting ways transforming back into Luke the captain of arms had lied back down drifting into a soft slumber before gently touching his hand.

The next day rolled around awfully quickly nearly too quick for the captain's liking

Nightly escapes I got left his mind as the Moon princess was still hot on both starman and Luke's mind

However he would have to put that aside for now the time on Earth was coming to an end and the zero frontier project will be finalized in space

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