Back With the Gang

(Y/N) found a little cave in the crater for the water to go all the way in as it was like a pool. The ceiling was pretty high up making it seem like it would fit him and his friends comfortably. The Fire Bender quickly thought of something. He grabbed some coal nearby to get Toph as well. He helped navigate her to the cave for her to make some rock come out of the wall and make it look like a large bowl. (Y/N) set the coals in it to then put water in the bowl. He asked everyone to come into the cave to have Toph make a wall come up closing the cave. She left vents at the top and the bottom of the wall to let air and water in and out. (Y/N) made fire in his hand on top of the coal until the water in the bowl started heating up. It started to make steam. After a while the five were enjoying the hot tub and sauna combination (Y/N) and Toph made. Whenever water was getting low Katara used her bending to put more into the bowl of coal. Katara got comfortable as she rested against the wall, "What do you call this?" (Y/N) shrugged, "Don't know. I would just be put into something like this to relax my muscles." Sokka went deeper into the water, "Well it's certainly doing that." The group went silent as they enjoyed themselves as all of their tense muscles, from traveling so much, finally relaxed.

At the Beach

Ty Lee, Zuko, Mai, and Azula played a game of volleyball against four other people to end up winning. The net was on fire, a small crater surrounded the ball on the enemy's side, for Azula to go a little overboard as she had a crazy smile, "Yes. We've defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!" She then looked at the other three, "Well, that was fun." Two boys walked up to Ty Lee for one of them to put his right hand on his hip, "We're having a party tonight. You should come by." Ty Lee smiled, "Oh I love parties." The other boy pointed at Mai, "Your friend can come too." Azula walked up next to Ty Lee, "Uh, what about me and my brother? Aren't you gonna invite us?" The boys went silent for Azula to raise an eyebrow, "You don't know who we are do you?" 

One of the boys looked at her as if though she disrespected them, "Don't you know who we are? We're Chen and Ranja." Zuko became angry to start walking towards the boys for Azula to stop him. Chen looked at them up and down, "Fine, your invited. Just so you know, some of the most important teenagers from the Fire Nation are gonna be there. So just try to be normal." Azula gave an amused smile, "We'll do our best." 

After they had their fun at the beach the group went to the royal family's vacation home where they ate dinner at a round table with the two old ladies who were escorting them. In the middle of dinner Zuko looked over at Azula, "Why didn't you tell those guys who we are?" Azula simply answered, "I guess that I was intrigued. I'm so used to people worshiping us." Ty Lee pointed at her with her chopsticks, "They should." Azula smiled a little, "I know and I love it. But for once I just wanted to see how people would treat us without knowing who we were." One of the old ladies smiled, "Like waves washing away the footprint in the sand, Ember Island gives everyone a clean slate." The other old lady nodded, "Ember Island reveals the true you." Th old ladies then stood up to simultaneously say, "Now to the party!" 

Azula, Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee made it to the big house where the party was being held for Azula to knock on the door. Chen answered, "Um, you're a little early. No one's here yet." Azula was smiling, "I heard you tell someone that you would be partying from dusk till dawn. It's dusk. So we're here." "But that's just an expression." "We are the perfect party guests. We arrive right on time, because we are very punctual." Chen shrugged to let them in as he walked through the big house, "Alright now listen. My dad's an admiral who has no idea that I'm having this party. So don't mess anything up." 

Chen went to walk away but Azula decided to give him a compliment, "You outfit is very sharp Chen." Chen looked at her for Azula to continue, "Careful, you could puncture the hull of an Empire class Fire Nation battleship. Leading thousands to drown at sea." It was silent for Azula to point at Chen's outfit, "Because it's so sharp." Chen awkwardly smiled, "Uh, thanks." He then walked away for Azula to frown as she thought about what she could of said to make him feel uneasy.

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