Chapter 26: Where there's hate, there's love

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Author's pov

The Demon King, ruler of the Underworld and monarch between the major races in the non human society, lived for over two thousand years more longer than Ymir or anyone. He's judge, jury, and warlord through many centuries. "I am not mad at you, Abigail. For many centuries, we have lived along with the humans, they admired us or fears us, we're legends in their tales as we never interfere with them unlit always been the one who does the unpredictable" Toshikazu soon said as he and Abigail walked and circling to each other. Abigail stare him with coolly expression. She knew why he was here. "You're here to tell me stop saving Marley from their ill fate? I know what they did in the past two millennia was nothing more than hatred and vengeance but, that doesn't mean they have to suffer that dark and brutal fate waits for them" Abigail soon said.

She already knew it and even if, there was some people who done nothing wrong, it doesn't mean that she has to leave the ones who sinned to their deaths. She wasn't going to leave them to die like that. Toshikazu chuckles as he glance her with those sharp crimson blood eyes that reflect her like mirror. "Too pure hearted as always. I know you're not naive but, everyone in the Underworld and even the Spiritual Realm agreed with the decision, even the Goddess of Moon who always has a soft spot for kids. Abigail, I never meant to bring up that decision to everyone but Marley has a prove that there's no way saving a bloodlust and hunger power country. They don't care who they hurt, they treat every Eldian or those who aren't allied with them like shit, as the Eldians in there force their own children to go their death door for their own selfishness and greed. They are more rotten like that bastard who created the disease that kill many of non humans" he said as his tone was filled with venom rage when he mention the ones who created the disease.

Abigail looked at him in sympathy before sighing. "I know that, Toshikazu. I really do but yet, it's not their fault that they end up turning into this. It was Fritz who was all hunger power and greedy bastard that created this mess through the human world. There still the ones who can stop this, Survey Crops who can undo this ill fate, Toshikazu. There's hope. World isn't filled with hate" she said courageous and empathetic through her personal experiences. She is the firstborn daughter of a God and a human. She grew up into a violent and gangster neighborhood where many people who aren't white face many discrimination and abuse by dirty cops. She grew up strong and face against the abuse. Due of wanted no one facing the same thing as her neighborhood did.

Marley is one and only messed up country where discrimination and abuse was a true hell to every Eldian or victim of Marley. Toshikazu soon chuckles by her statement which he walks near her and stroke her cheek gently. "Realistic and levelheaded, one of the many things why I fell for you. I know I grew up as royal and destined to become the king of the underworld which I need to become great and wise ruler like my Father. But you, you were natural born to be a fearless leader with a pure hearted and intelligent as patient and unconditionally devoted to your friends, family, and others. You're naturally a queen, which a king, emperor, or even a Demon King like me weren't rulers without their badass equal wives" he said.

Abigail soon grabs his hand that stroking her cheek as bringing down slowly before holding. "You and I know better that if there's hate, there's love. Marley got drown by hatred and vengeance thanks to Fritz but if there's love and kindness, then there's salvation and peace. I saw it in her, the last descendant of the son of the Emperor. She will be the reason why she's fighting in this cruel and beautiful, and also, the end of the Titans Age. I believe in her as much I believe in us" she said as her light sapphire blue eyes stare at his deep crimson ones. A Demigoddess and a Demon King. Who would thought two individual would be this close despite how many tells them that they're archenemies in stories or videogames.

It was unusually but, incredibly attachment. Of course, Mikasa knew about them. "So, the little Demigoddess is helping them defeat the ill fate of my decision? Ha, that will be entertain. I awfully hope you win against the world. But if the Marleyans or that beard brat finds out about your existence, I mean this seriously. If they hurt you, I will burn Marley to hell unlit nothing remains but ashes" he said which Abigail looked down by knowing Zeke will also be after her due of her superhuman abilities and her divine powers. If she risks getting capture or harm by him, Marley will still meet their dark fate. One of the reasons why she didn't say anything to Levi squad. For them to defeat Marleyan army than protecting her. "Cross my heart, hope die. To my lover, I never lie. I will be careful and cautious when I get there. It's just you and I" she said meaningful and soft. Toshikazu smirk as a cloud covers the moon and shadows them.

"That's what I wanted to heard. Be careful and come to me no matter what" The moon soon shines as Abigail stood there as Toshikazu disappears from the shadows. Abigail soon sighs as she looks over the brushes. "You hear that didn't you, Mikasa?" She said which Mikasa soon walks out of the brushes. "Yeah, sorry. He's really going to burn Marley to ashes if Zeke does something on you?" Mikasa soon said which Abigail soon sighs and looks at her.

"Yeah, the same way will Eren do for you if someone hurts you"


"He loves you"

"I-I...I know that"

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