Chapter 7: Zeke's Victims

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Author's pov

The Survey Crops soon step in Ragako, hometown of Connie Springer and located in Wall Rose southern. Four years ago, Zeke come break in Wall Rose and turn everyone in Ragako into Titans with one scream since people who are descendants of Fritz Royal family can turn the Eldians to Titans. Many of Connie's family like his father and younger siblings were killed by the Survey Crops who they didn't knew it was his family. The only family member Connie has is his mother who can't move due she turn into a Abnormal Titan. Its such a cruel thing. "I'm back home again, Mom" Connie said as he glance over his hometown that was ruin and turn into a scientific investigation camp. Sasha look over to Connie who was mourning for his family and mother but yet, anger for Zeke who turn his family into titans and wishes for Levi to kill him.

"Connie, we will find a way to bring back your mom back to her human form. We promised you" Armin said to Connie which Connie slightly smile. Connie never blame Eren for being the half brother of Zeke since Eren was different and he was his friend. Besides, he wonder how a womanizer was Eren's father to marry two woman. Grisha has some weird life chooses. "Commander Hange Zoe! Its good seeing you here" Hange's assistant, Moblit Berner said out loud and soldier voice. Hange told him to leave the soldier voice behind since she doesn't need him see her as their commander. Hange soon asked for they doing with the Titan research. "Still good but no results like usual. Its tricky and I still wonder how did Founding Titan left Princess Frieda and go to Eren Yeager. Its mystery which we still can't find any trace why did the Blood of the Colossus Titan couldn't transform back Mrs Springer" Moblit said as Hange nod while she and the others follow Moblit.

Connie soon saw his mom laying down on his house and looking at them with those large eyes. She has been like this for four years. It was sad. Sasha and Jean place their hands on Connie's shoulder and comforting him. Hange felt sad for Connie despite how much she passionate for Titans, this was a cruel joke. "We finally got Doctor for helping us, Hange" Moblit said as Hange was surprised before she tell him to introduce the doctor. Moblit nod as woman come in front of the Survey Crops' group. She was a attractive, tall young woman of a athletic build and pale skin. She has a rose blonde short hair that reaches to her nape and long frame parted to the left along with honey golden eyes, button nose and a gold small hoop earrings.

She was wearing a white lad coat with a black shirt on top along with some dark blue pants and dark shoes. "Ingrid Rosenberg, its a pleasure to meet you, Commander Zoe" she said with a Norwegian accent. Hange shook her hand as replied 'Pleasure as well' before Levi asked her about her accent. "I'm from Norway, Captain Ackerman. I studied human anatomy and other research of the unlikely Titans and the Eldians. Its better to be prepared for the challenges" she said which Hange told Levi that she already like her. Moblit told Hange that Ingrid been researching for a cure to undo the the Titan form which shocked everyone. "Wait, you're saying you found how to turn my mother back to human?!" Connie loudly asked which Jean told him to be so rude to Doctor Rosenberg.

Hange told her to continue which she did. "By the research I done for over a year from now, Mrs Springer can't transform back to her human because the Colossus Titan powers refuses to bond over her since its seem liking to choose over Officer Arlert. Its been more that Founding Titan left Princess Frieda Reiss because it has decide to choose Eren Yeager. I did more studies when the 'Big Change' happens which I note that even Eldians, Half Eldians, Subjects of Ymir, Reiss Family, Ackerman Family, and even the Tybur Family felt the change happened. Its only a theory but...I think all this happened because it must your Founder, Ymir Fritz" she said which greatly shocked Mikasa and Armin.

'Ymir? This could be causing after she got reincarnated back to our world? She still doesn't remember what happen after she got reincarnated. But knowing Historia's sister isn't anymore the Founding Titan and decided to go to Eren and the power of the Colossus Titan haven't work on Connie's mother. Its because she got reborn and if they found out that she's reborn then...the Tybur Family along with Marleyans will charge to war to get her or worst, Zeke will get her...dammit, this is really bad' Armin thought worry since he didn't want Ymir return as a slave again. After all the trauma and tragic life she went through, Eren along with them promise her to have a happy, free, and normal life where she can't be a slave by no one. Hange soon note her theory and saying she will make a investigation about her by starting with Eren and the Reiss Family.

Ingrid nod as she walked away. "Wait, Ymir the Goddess? We know that almost ten years ago felt that 'big change' but come on. We're talking about science, not some myths or fairy tales" Jean said which Connie stated that he doesn't know if they're involving their Founder who might their God or myth but as longest they can find a cure for turning his mother back to her human form, he's fine with that. Mikasa and Armin looked at each other by knowing it was something do with Ymir after she got reincarnated. Armin wonder what happen when she disappear before Eren could grab her. What type of change she did before reincarnate into their world.

Meanwhile in Marley.

A Eldian Warrior soon step into a room where was a Eldian reading book. The Eldian was tall, broad, well-toned man with grey eyes and blond clean-cut hair and bread while wearing glasses. He was wearing a Marleyan Eldian Warrior's uniform. "Warrior Chief Zeke, the Tybur Family wants to talk with you" the Eldian warrior said which the blond man nod. That man was Warrior Chief of Eldian Warriors Titans, the Beast Titan, one of descendants of Ymir Fritz and lastly, the half older brother of Eren Yeager. Zeke Yeager. Zeke soon stand up and closes the book which was the book about Ymir Fritz herself.

"Good, tell Lord Willy that I will be there with great answers"

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