Chapter 21: Heroes

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Author's pov

"What do you mean you can't find them?! Armin and the others are hiding somewhere from Zeke! Just find them or I will ask Her Majesty herself" Annie soon ends her call which she sighs deeply. It been 17 hours since Levi's group and Hange disappeared from the battle against Zeke and Porco. Annie was hellishly worry for Armin along with the others. Annie knows well that Zeke wouldn't attack like that unless it was very important.  She knows well Zeke since her time in Marley and he's someone who will everything to get what he wants. She was relieved that Levi was there to take down Zeke since Levi was one of his biggest weakness. The Ackermans always been the strongest people.

"They still can't find them...this is really bad, Reiner" Annie said as she looks at her former classmate and the user of the Armor Titan, Reiner Braun. Reiner has a short blond hair, golden eyes, a short goatee, and a defined facial structure. He has a large height, broad shoulders, and a serious expression that seems to be imitating presence. He was wearing the Survey Crops' uniform with no jacket. Reiner look at Annie with a silence expression before he sighs. "I know, Annie. Gabi and Falco were there as well. If Porco or Zeke knew they were there, they would probably catch them and sent them back to Marley where they will face consequence for betraying Marley along with their parents...why is the damn world like this?" Reiner said as he was worry for his cousin.

Along with Annie, Reiner is a half Marleyan and half Eldian. His mother had a affair with his father which she got pregnant. Because Marley despises so much the Eldians, they would kill the Marleyan who have a half Eldian with a Eldian along with them. His father abandoned them and regrets having the affair. Reiner thought if he becomes a fine warrior and becomes the hero, his father would come back to him as living them as a happily family but it didn't went his way. Reiner finally realized that Marley was messed up and no matter how hard he tries, he won't get what he wants as a warrior. But then, his mother beg him to leave Marley and go to Germany as building a new life where he can't be anyone's tool.

She confesses that she was using him for revenge against his father and she apologize to Reiner. Reiner manage to live a peaceful life despite losing his best friend Bertholdt and Marcel. He become happy for once ans living his life as himself and enjoying with his friends and his cousin. He wants his mother and his maternal family to come to Paradis Germany to live a happy and free life with no borders or hate. "Reiner, she's fine. She and Falco will be fine as longest they're with Armin and the others. Zeke wouldn't dare go towards them since they seems to be fond by Captain Ackerman. Besides, we could call our old friends to find them" Annie said. Reiner nod as he sighs. 'I wonder where they are? Please come back' Reiner thought. Suddenly, they felt a mini earthquake which shocked them before they went outside of the house and seeing Eren and the others. "Okay, we might never combine the Tunnel with my magic" Pilar chilly said as Sasha throw up again.

Annie and Reiner were shocked as they notice their love ones. "Reiner!" "Gabi!" Reiner soon run towards his cousin and hugged as he start feeling relief. Annie soon goes to Armin and asked if he was alright and what happened in Rose Wall. "Well, lot of crazy things to-" "MIKASA IS THE FREAKING EMPRESS OF JAPAN! WHOA!!!" Connie shouted as being his comedic and dramatic self as running like a idiot. Annie looked at him in 'What the hell' before she looks at Armin who was disbelief by Connie. "It's a long story" Armin said which Annie nod of agreement. 'I don't know what the hell happened but better not get involve with Connie's shenanigans. And what did he mean by Mikasa is a Empress?' Annie thought as she looked at Mikasa.

"Everyone calm your asses down. We need to think a counterattack on Marley and killed that bread bastard" Levi monotone said which everyone looked at Levi and Hange. "Now we know what Marley is after, we can't let them win. We must go to Marley and end this annoying war that cause everyone great pain. By going to Marley in plane or ship will be a pain in the ass since they will definitely see us" Hange soon explained. The Eldians soon went silence since going to Marley will be difficult and they will have the alarm as they do. Besides, they will be fighting against the Beast Titan. Jaw Titan, and the War Hammer Titan who is the greatest weapon of Marley. "That wouldn't be a problem, Esa. Because have him!" Pilar soon point Falco who was dumbfound. The scouts were in 'Huh' as Abigail looked at Ymir. "You will see, just move away like meters away to the house" Pilar said as they confused but they follow her request.

Pilar smile as she grabs gently Falco's hand as release her sharp claws like nails. "Hey, what the hell is the hot looking Latina doing?" Connie soon asked which Pilar soon scratch on his palm which lighting appear on his body. The crew was shocked as Pilar run fast with her supernatural strength towards them before Falco soon transformed into a Titan like bird with wings. "OH MY GOD!!! THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE! FINALLY!!! A TITAN WITH WINGS! I NEVER THOUGHT SEEING THIS UNLIT THE DAY I DIED!!!" Hange loudly exclaimed in joy which Levi and Ingrid looked at her in weird. "When the hell Falco become a Titan?! He haven't got transfer blood by either Gallaird or the Queen's spouse!" Gabi shouted while Kaya was amazed that Falco looks like bird and fitting with his name.

Gabi and Kaya soon remember the drawing Ymir draw which they looked at her. "I accidentally chosen Falco to be a Titan user"

"You got be kidding my eyes right now"

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