"You sneaky little thing, Don't tell me you did it?" She asked me stressing the word IT making me blush red and I started feeling hot all of a sudden.

"NOOO, Ammu! Shut up. He just slept over." I replied in a cracked voice setting up the coffee machine.

"No Ammu! He just slept over." Amaya repeated what I said in a mocking tone making Elena bang her head.

"Aunty Divya! Can you tell Maya to stop repeating? She always does this and it's so irritating." Elena said to me and Amaya gasped in shock.

Before I could make fun of Amaya with Elena the doorbell rang again, but this time it was Arjun and Dru.

"Hey Divya akka(sister)"

"Hey Divya!"

Arjun got taller and has a stubbly beard, and Dru looks as handsome as ever, he looks like he just hit puberty with small facial hair. I can't believe these two grew up so fast.

"AMAR! Guess what we got for you?"Arjun yelled getting into the house with an enormous bag in his hand.

"So, How is Andrew treating you? I got these new guns, and I can put them to use for you Divya." Dru said showing me his biceps making me laugh.

I am closer to Dru than Arjun because he was really busy with his SATs and college applications when I was there and left for college. But Dru was with me the whole time, making me laugh with his silly antics like this.

"You don't have to use them at all, he is great," I told him as walked into the living room which is an utter mess right now with all of them screaming and shooting each other.

They all started their Nerf gun battle, with darts flying all over the place making me wonder who are the adults in this place. But instead of acting like an adult this time, I joined them by taking a Nerf gun from Arjun and started making hitting everyone within range.

We played in two teams, Amaya, Arjun, Dru, and me in one team and all the others in another team. And guess who won? We obviously.

 We didn't have to cheat because Andrew refused to hit me and Amaya smashed Jameson by teaming up with Alex, who betrayed his whole team by shielding Amaya with his own little body.

We all got tired after two matches and ordered breakfast and got ready for the party. I wore a t-shirt and black jeans as I have to be active there at the party controlling all these kids. We all drove to the bounce house in our own cars except for Andrew who came in with me and Amar.

I parked the car in the lot and there was a big banner that said Happy Birthday Amar at the entrance.

Seeing the banner Amar ran away from me and joined Alex, Elena, Dru, Arjun, and Danny who are standing there, taking pictures.

The banner was almost 5 feet. How much did they spend on this party?

"Let's go in people! We can't just stop at the entrance. We have a lot to see." Amaya said and took everyone in.

I was scared to go in, but Andrew held my hand and took me in. I wanted to be Amar for a second looking at what Amaya and Andrew did for his party.

"This is too much Andrew," I told him as I was looking around.

There is a bounce castle, a rock climbing wall, a face paint station, a lego station, a Mac and cheese station in the shape of dinosaurs and 2 people in Baymax suits giving hugs and fist bumps to everyone who comes in.

There is a bounce castle, a rock climbing wall, a face paint station, a lego station, a Mac and cheese station in the shape of dinosaurs and 2 people in Baymax suits giving hugs and fist bumps to everyone who comes in

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