Levi first time on deck (5/23/21)

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The woman carefully shows me what she is doing. "This is called a stitch, I take this needle, thread it and thanks to this tool I'll be able to permanently close your wound, this helps the wound heal faster and stop bleeding."

"Hange is quick with her work, she's fixed me up more times than I can count, it's going to feel uncomfortable."

I felt little sharp pains, but after a few minutes she stops and wraps the wound up with a strange item.

( Cloth, rope, and wood making a cast basically)

"All done! Please be careful with your leg, oh, and one more thing! What's your name?" I pause. "My...name" she nods.

"Levi aniki!" I remember a familiar sounding voice
"I think my name..." I pause again, do I tell them? Will we cross paths again when I'm healed?

"Levi? I think it's Levi" the women... Hange smiles and so does Erwin.

After my leg is messed with, Hange orders me to stay in this so-called bed until I can walk again.

It's been 3 sunrises since I've been on this ship. After the first day I was a little bored, the slight sunlight felt nice and it keeps me busy, but now im just annoyed and anxious I feel like I could swim for centuries.

The bed is soft, Hange calls this long piece of cloth fabric, she told me it's supposed to keep you warm during cold nights. To me the fabric feel itchy, I don't remember if I have ever touched something like this before?

Hopefully I'll remember soon, my eyes move on from the bed to the brown wood desk next to me. Erwin has called this night stand, I wonder why they call it that? Is it because you usually use it during night?  These people are strange to me.

I should ask Erwin what this strange object producing light is called. "Ow" I curse, my leg rubbed over the bed. I sit up, over whelming emotions I don't remember feeling before flood my brain. "Stupid" I glare at my leg,

filthy cloth wraps around the wound then the cloth with two pieces of wood is wrapped to keep my leg from bending.  I feel gross, a dirty cloth is touching my skin, so I tare it all off, my leg looks red around the wound area, it also is a bit bigger than my right leg.   "Strange?".  If I try to leave the room Erwin and Hange get on my ass about it. "Your only going to make your self need to rest more!" Hange once scolded me yesterday.

Is it worth a shot to leave? I'm not so sure anymore.
I lightly poke the area, and feel pain, " tch" I pull my finger away, and I groan to myself "this sucks". I glare at my leg wanting to punch out all my frustration, but instead, I swing my legs over the bed placing them on the wood flooring.

"I might as well try to walk"  I put pressure onto my legs, and pain shoots through my limb. I fell to the floor like before. "Ow okay maybe this is a bad idea." after a few minutes I decide Im done for the time being.  

I stand up "damn this is more work then it should be" I carefully sit back down on the bed and lay back, I take another look at my leg, noticing the wound is puffy, and bigger it also feels worse than before.  " annoying"  I'm more irritated by the minute.

"How are you feeling Captain?" Hange asks me. I sigh rubbing the sleep from my eyes. " exhausted, how does my crew sleep like that?" Hange giggles as she hands me coffee, or what's supposed to be coffee.  "The crew seems to enjoy the hammocks they just grow used to it over time" .  "You think they will be mad if I replace the hammocks with cots?" Hange hums thinking.

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