Finding levi (9/2/21)

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Recap)"Thank you

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Thank you... this helps" the bartender gave me a confused look "what do you plan to do now that your buddy's are wanted? Are you gonna turn them in?" I looked at the bartender giving a slight glare "I'm not sure yet, it depends if they are guilty or not" the bartender nodded, and went to finish serving his other customers.

"Hanji we leave tonight gather supplies and meet me at our new ship" I commanded she nodded as I left the bar I could feel my self getting closer to capturing my 'prey'.

Levi pov)

Ever since we changed up our sleep schedule, we have all been getting a fair amount of sleep.  "Ready for today, Levi?" Farlan asked with a smile, I nodded, and he smiled more. But I have a strange feeling that's making me nervous, should I mention it to farlan and Isabel?....nah it's probably just hunger talking.

I stood up from where I was sitting and went over to our 'food' pantry, I opened it and found that it was empty, "shit!" I huffed, "what's wrong Levi?" Farlan asked as he was changing cloths, "were out of god damn food again!" I shouted, said in a lower tone.

"Damn really already?" I banged my head against the wooden frame out of frustration, "whoa! Levi stop! It's fine I'm frustrated to no need to damage our best fighter" Farlan patted my shoulder "Ugh" I huffed out again.

"Since we already had nothing to do today let's make food our priority" Farlan said trying to keep me calm "let's go...wait ISABEL! Stay home and watch the house, don't let anyone in if they can't answer this riddle"

I quickly shouted "OKAY what's the riddle?" I smiled "There are three men an a boat with a pack of cigarettes and no matches. How did they manage to smoke?"
"Isn't that a hard riddle Levi? Not even I know the answer to that" Isabel whined I rolled my eyes "the answer is they threw one cigarette overboard and the boat became a cigarette lighter."

"OooooH" isabel said as soon as she understood the riddle "nice Levi!" I smiled and we left to go find food.

(Yes that riddle is from the original riddler from 1966 I thought it would fit with the hole pirate/ mermaid thing c: ))

When we walked towards the guards Farlan pulled me to a side in an alleyway "what?" I whispered, "Farlan glared, did you not see that poster board!? It had all three of us up there in wanted posters! If we go up there now, we will be caught right away." Farlan whispered in panic

What do we do then?" I asked I couldn't come up with a plan right away "there is another bridge that collapsed years ago no one should be guarding it we can try to sneak that way, but we got to be quick" Farlan sighed I could tell he was nervous "let's do it" I gave him a nod, and we walked the back ways of the allies we had to be careful as we almost ran into a few other guards patrolling.

A Pirates Life For Me? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें