Me: Dabi tended my wounds and I was to dizzy to walk.

Recovery Girl: Why didn't you texted or called Aizawa?

Me: My phone broke in the incident.

Recovery Girl: *Sigh* oh dearie, you got us all worried because you didn't showed up. Let me quickly heal you and then call Aizawa and Nezu to inform them. Dabi, right? You can stay here with him if you want too and let me also have a look at those scars of yours.

Dabi: It's okay.

Me: No, it's not and now let her treat you!

Dabi: Okay, if you insist.

Recovery Girl: Did you use stapler yourself?

Dabi: Only thing I had.

Recovery Girl: Unfortunately I can't do much about them. I am sorry dearie.

Dabi: It's okay. Thanks for trying.

Recovery Girl: Now onto you.

She came to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead and before I knew it I was out cold.

Aizawa's POV:

Where the heck is he?

Something might have happened?

I should have just picked him up!

Why did I need to let him go to UA by himself?!

He might be on a roof top and try to jump!

No, he wouldn't do that! He survived so many years of torte he wouldn't commit now!

He might have been attacked or worse killed!

I was on the rooftop running and jumping from one to another until I got a call. Once my phone went off I immediately took it out and hoped that this would be Izuku. Much to my disappointment it was only Chiyo. Then I got struck by a bad feeling.

He might have gotten hurt!

Not wanting to waste any time, I picked up the phone.

Me: Yes?

Chiyo: Ah it's good I came through to you.

Me: What is it Chiyo?

Chiyo: Izuku is in my office with a friend. He was attacked on his way to UA and got injured. I healed him up and he is currently resting in my office. You might want to pick him up though I wouldn't mind if he stays here over the night.

Me: Thanks for informing me, I am on my way!

With that our phone call ended and I hurried back to UA but not without texting Mic that our kid was found. It took me only a solid 15 minutes of sprinting back to the school until I arrived in her office together with Nezu who was also running down the hallway and entering the room together with me.

Me: How serious where his injuries?

Recovery Girl: Not much but I found some that indicated that he was involved in a fight preciously.

Nezu: I will ask his school principal if anything happened.

Me: Thanks and where is this friend?

???: This would be me.

I immediately turned towards the boy and what I saw surprised me very much. A teenage boy that was older than Izuku was sitting there besides him with Anubis in his hand petting the ferret.

???: I am Dabi.

He is Dabi?

Said villain that one can hire to do anything? The one that is hiding in the shadows and no one ever saw his face, that Dabi...


How the heck did you meet him?

Nezu: Ahh what a pleasure to meet you. It looks like you have risen from the dead young man.

I was so confused my Nezu would even say something like this but something on the boy was familiar. It was like I have seen him from somewhere but I couldn't put my mind on it.

Dabi: So you realized that too huh?

Nezu: Not only a brilliant mind but a sharp eye as well.

Dabi: Don't forget his pure heart.

Nezu: What are you planning on doing?

Dabi: I honestly don't know.

Nezu: Since you are here, I believe Izuku said something to you, didn't he?

Dabi: Yes and he offered me a place close to him.

Nezu: I see. If that is what Izuku wants then I don't mind. Aizawa, what do you say?

Me: Hold on a minute who is this?

Nezu: Should I or do you wanna tell him?

Dabi: I will. My real name is Touya Todoroki.

Me: Endeavors son.. The one that supposedly killed himself?

Oh great! That trash is worse than I thought!

Dabi: Yep, that's me!

Me: How did Izuku even know you?

Dabi: He didn't. We just met today and he already feels like a brother to me. You don't have to believe me but I could never harm him.

Me: And he offered you a place to stay?

Dabi: That is what he said. In all the time we spend together before we came here, he was talking about his new parents and you two, Nezu, Recovery Girl and what brilliant people you guys were. He also said that he was sure that you wouldn't mind.

Me: *Sigh* That kid...

Recovery Girl: He isn't wrong.

Me: No, he isn't....

Dabi: Well I am thankful for his offer but I will go back now. See you!

I immediately blocked his way, before he could even walk out of the door.

Me: And where do you think you are going kid?

Dabi: Back to where I live.

Me: If Izuku was willing to give you a chance then soo will I! You are coming with me and him! Just accept it.

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