Stab wound

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"Flatline! Flatline! We need the defibrillator back in theatre two! Patient has Flatlined in operation."

Leo had gone back to the kids and things seemed to move pretty slowly. The clock on the whitewashed wall ticked every what seemed like five minutes.

He had just got word from the man in charge of the main reception that Ned had been arrested and that the court hearing would be held in two weeks time at Hove crown court, an hour's drive away from Kate's house.

Joe was playing Minecraft on his phone whilst Mia and Bear were watching Cbeebies on YouTube on hers.

Leo's head jerked upon hearing Flatline. He ran towards the room again, attempting barge through the door, but was stopped by Doctor Foreman.

"Sorry, sir but you cant come in here. Shes dead." He said bluntly.
The people with the defibrillator ran past them.


"No no no, she cant be dead!" Leo yelled, his voice wavering as he endeavoured not to cry. He swallowed.
"There must be something you can do to help her!"

"We are!" He yelled "don't you see we are giving her the defibrillator again"

"No I cant see because you wont let me in!" Leo yelled.

The middle aged man sighed "go put on some scrubs and I suppose you can stay"

Leo smiled and ran out the room to talk to Mia, Joe and Bear.

"I'm going to stay in there with your mother whilst she has her operation." He turned to Mia "can you call Grandpa Roger to look after you all? I dunno how long we're gonna be here for and I'd rather you go home than be stuck in hospital overnight?"

Mia nodded. "Joe can you call Grandpa please?"

"Why cant you call him?"

The twenty year old pointed to Bear who was happily watching the Tweenies on her lap. Joe turned to face him before turning back to Mia.

"So? Are you scared of a seven year old?"

"No" Mia scoffed "but I dont want him throwing a hissy fit and causing a scene"

Joe sighed, closing the tab and opening the phone app.

"Fine. I'll call him. You stay here with Bear."

He walked away, leaving Mia and Bear alone in the waiting room.

"Miaaaaa! I need a wee!"

"How badly?"

"I really need to go" he crossed his legs and held onto them

"Come on, Bear." The twenty year old exhaled, standing up and running to the reception, Bear hobbling alongside her.

"Excuse me, miss. So sorry to bother you but my brother needs to use a toilet. Do you know where the closest one is?"

The nurse pointed down a corridor.

"First door down there"

"Thankyou so much. Have a great evening"

Mia and Bear sprinted towards the room and got there just before he wet himself.

The twenty year old waited inside, the door slightly cracked open so he felt safe, just as he'd requested.

"All done" the seven year old exclaimed as he walked out of the bathroom.

"You wash your hands?"

Bear hummed, spotting Leo sitting next to Joe.


"Shh Bear! It's a hospital, you need to be quiet-"

Her voice trailed off as the youngest Winslet sibling ran and sat in between Leo and Joe.

"Fine" she whispered to herself, her hands raising in feigned defeat. " I'm on my way over!"

She marched over, overhearing someone say "stable" from the room down the hallway.

"Right, I'm gonna go into the room now. You three be good. And Mia, text me as soon as you get home with Grandpa, okay?"

The twenty year old nodded "of course. And call me if something happens with mum. I'll leave my phone on loud."

"Will do, see you all later" Leo's voice wavered as he tied his scrubs behind his back. He didnt want to tell them about Kate Flatlining, especially since they had been through alot already that day.

The forty six year old marched to the theatre, barging through the doors.
He stood in a corner and observed the operation, sighing out of relief when the monitor began to make noises, showing a faint heartbeat.

"Heartbeat back up to seventy. Sat at 95%. Just where we need it. Conclude the operation and take her to recovery"

The doctor stitched up the gape, wiping away any excess blood before tidying away the equipment.

"Good to go, take her to room seven, east wing. Mr DiCaprio, you can go with her."

Leo looked up, his eyes drooping. He'd been in the theatre for over two hours while they concluded the surgery. Mia had text him an hour ago that they were safe at home with Roger, Kate's father and their grandfather

"I can?"

"Mhm." The doctor hummed "but she'll have to stay in over night for at least a few days. Will you be staying her with her?"

"Of course I will. I cant leave her or her kids now. They need me."

The doctor nodded, marking something on a sheet of paper. "You'll have to sleep on a chair"

"Yeah that's okay" he brushed it off "anything for my Kate."

"Yeah about that, I noticed a ring on her finger. We put it in a box so it would be safe.

"Thankyou so much. She only got that today"

"She did? It was a nice ring as well. Beautiful rose on the top. Did you buy it for her?"

Leo nodded "yeah, we just got engaged actually. I proposed to her on the beach and then her ex husband Ned arrived and held her with a knife to her throat. Then he stabbed her"

"Oh wow! Congratulations Leonardo." He shook his hand. "Nice. Well I'll take you to her room then and you can make yourselves comfortable. "

"Thankyou. Uh, do you know when she'll wake up?"

"I'd say in about three days, but it's hard to be 100% sure. All cases are different. But judging by the wound, oxygen sats and her heart rate, I'd say theres a good chance of tomorrow." He said, stepping into the elevator and pressing on the button marked "3rd floor". Kate was already down there.

Leo sighed and dropped his arms from his waist. "Thank god for that."

They eventually got up to the room and Leo sprinted to Kate's bedside, kneeling down onto the floor and taking her hand into his own.

"I love you Kate" he pressed his lips onto the back of her hand, around where the monitors were connected.

"So, so much"

Time Stands Still || Kate & Leoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن