Blissfully interrupted

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As nice as it was for them to just lay there, asleep, things had to come to an end eventually.

A faint buzzing sound was heard from the leather ottoman, followed by a rather sonorous song.
"What if" blasted from the speakers and the phone lit up.

Leo removed his arm from Kate's waist and feebly padded over to the seat.

"Kangaroo Joey" was printed neatly on the screen in a Comic Sans font.

Leo swiped right to answer and he placed the device to his ear as he walked out the room to not disturb Kate.

"Hey Joe, what's up?"

"Leo, I don't remember if I told you or not but I'm going to Liam's house until five or six so dont be alarmed if I'm late."

"Yeah you told me, it's okay, do I need to pick Bear up?"

"No, I'm gonna walk to his school and bring him to Liam's with me"

"Okay cool. Oh, and Joe?"


"Have you looked at the news today?"

"No, why?"

"Read the article I've just sent you."

There was a pause as Joe read the news.

"Oh my god." The seventeen year old marvelled. "So you and my mum are together now?"

"Well-" Leo stammered, running his fingers through his hair "Yes we are, but don't tell Mia or Bear. We were kinda waiting until you all got home to announce it"

"Ah okay, well congrats on scoring my mum, Uncle Leo." Joe laughed. "Oh and Mia's on her way home as we speak. She's about five minutes out."

"Cool, right I'll let you go then. Have fun at Liam's, stay safe and look after yourself and Bear"

"Yep, will do. Love you"

"Love ya too, Joey"

The phone hung up and Leo mentally scolded himself for letting the secret get out without Kate knowing.


She was still sleeping.

He tiptoed over to the sofa, where she was sprawled out, clutching a pillow in place of him. The Leo knelt beside her and gently kissed her forehead, rubbing the pad of his thumb against her cheek until she woke up.

"Morning sunshine." Leo beamed. "Well technically afternoon, but who cares."

"What time is it?"

Leo turned on his phone to check the time.

"3:20, Mia will be home in about five minutes"

As if by coincidence, Kate's eldest child walked through the front door

"Make that five seconds" Kate chortled. She stood up from the sofa, composed herself and walked towards the door where Mia was now seen taking off her coat.

"Hello darling," Kate exclaimed, outstretching her arms to hug Mia, which she gracefully accepted.

Leo stood in the doorway between the reception room and the lounge where the pair had previously been asleep.

Mia opened her arm to invite Leo into the hug and he did, no hesitation.

"When are Bear and Joe getting home?"

"Five or six" Leo replied, placing his hand on the small of Kate's back and around Mia's shoulders.

"Yeah, Joey's picking up Bear from school and going to Liam's." Mia added.

"Okay. Sounds good. Are they staying for dinner?"

Mia shrugged. "Dunno, probably not. But I was thinking-"

She pulled out the hug and lead Kate and Leo to the kitchen where she began subconsciously making tea.

"What are you thinking?" Leo posed.

"Well, I got my paycheck from the sandwich bar today and I have enough to buy us all fish and chips if you'd like."

"Sounds great, but why do you eat chips with fish? Chips are for snacks not meals."

Mia threw a confused look and looked over to Kate who was laughing at Leo.

"Leo, sweetheart. We call chips crisps. And what we call chips are your equivalent to fries"

"Oh yeah, gotcha. I forgot thats what you call them for a minute."

Mia's look of confusion turned into laughter and she threw herself at her mother who was also cackling at the mix up.

"Oh ha ha so funny" Leo mocked.

The pair ignored him and instead continued laughing.

"Okay, Kate calm down. You're turning red."

Kate ignored him, her face turning a deep shade of crimson.

Mia stopped laughing and glanced between Leo and her mother. Sensing something was up, she ran a grabbed a glass of water.

"Mum, drink this please."

Kate took the glass from her daughter and downed it in one go.

"Oh god. Thanks."

"So fish and chips?"

"Sure" Leo concluded and Kate just smiled and nodded.

"I'll quickly make a phone call to ask if Joe and Bear are having dinner there"

Kate walked out the room, dialing her sons number.



"Hows uni?" Leo pried.

"Its alright. There's a lot of coursework to do though. Hey, Leo did you go to University?"

"No, sweetie. I left In high school."

"Oh-" Her voice barely rose above a whisper.

"But that doesn't mean you should stop now. Carry on! Pursue your dreams. Your mom finished theatre school, didn't go to college or university and look how far shes come!"

"Stop speaking about me, DiCaprio!" Kate called from the other room.

"Never! You're my girlf-" he trailed off and covered his mouth.

"She's your what?" Mia pried.

"Nothing. You heard nothing."

"Oh don't lie to me, Leo! I read the article."

Leo looked blankly at the twenty year old.

"The article where Ned poked his nose in and caught you two snogging!"

"Oh right, yeah I know that one" he replied sheepishly.

"So you're dating?"

"Yes we are. Don't even deny it DiCaprio!"

"Looks like our secret has been blissfully interrupted." Leo laughed, grunting as Kate ran into his arms.

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