Final arrangements

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After a long wait, here is chapter twelve.
Again, I sincerely apologise and hope you enjoy 💓💓
They finished up at the shops thirty minutes later and still had over half an hour until they could go and pick up the ring from the jewellers.

Leo and Joe had bought some cobs and two baguettes at the bakery, as well as some scones, cookies, mini cupcakes and five Belgian buns. Meanwhile, Mia had taken Bear to Asda to buy some things Leo had requested for the proposal itself. She had argued that her mother deserved more than Asda, and of course Leo agreed but he only really needed a few candles so the rest of the items (specifically the food) could be obtained from the house.

Mia texted Leo to meet them at the park across the road from Asda, and again, he didn't know the way there. He barely came out to West Wittering and when he did, he didn't feel the need to bother learning the way around since Kate always escorted him.

Joe lead him down to the play area, where Mia was seen pushing Bear on the swing.

"HIGHER! MIA HIGHER!" the seven year old yelled, his legs kicking the air.

The twenty year old obliged, instructing him to hold on tight to the chains before jumping up and propelling him further into the air.
Bear squealed from excitement, his shoes smacking together as he scrambled around in anticipation.

Leo and Joe approached them, placing the bag of baked goods onto the floor. They both leant on either side of the metal A frame, absorbing the adorable scene of Bear Blaze having the time of his life.

"Leo, Joe!" The seven year old exclaimed upon seeing them. "sissy, down please"

Mia carefully slowed the swing to a halt before picking her youngest brother up from the tire tread seat and setting him into Leo's arms.

"Heya, buddy. You and Mia have a good time shopping for mommy?"

Bear nodded avidly, a beam etched onto his face as he gestured to the bag on the floor. Leo let him down and the seven year old ran towards it, reaching into it and pulling out many items to show to Leo and Joe.

"Look Leo, candles, Leo!" He yelled, jumping up and down.

"Mhm. Very nice. Which scents did you buy??"

"Mia chose" he picked up an ivory wax light and running his index finger across the label as he read it "Vanilla. And I chose"

He placed the vanilla candle back into the bag and pulled out a violet one, reading the name out as "Lavendar"

Leo smiled as the seven year old pulled out a slightly heavier item. It turned out to be a large box of white and purple candles, all scented lavender and vanilla. There was an equal mix of twenty candles; ten of each scent. It was very heavy, and it resulted in Bear falling over.

Mia and Leo both rushed over to help the seven year old, taking the box off of his stomach before lifting him from the tarmac floor, holding one arm each.
On the contrary, Joe, despite being the most understanding of Bear, stood and snickered instead. His face turned a deep shade of crimson as he fell about laughing, occasionally stopping to slap his knees.

Bear stood up, guided by his sister and "uncle" and joined in with the laughter.

Mia and Leo exchanged a confused glance before contributing to the hysterics. After about five minutes, they were interrupted by Leo's ringtone.

He slid the phone symbol right and clicked on speaker phone.

"Kate, Hey."

"Heya darling. Where are you?"

He glanced around "oh I-uh took the kids to the park near Asda I hope that's okay"

"No, no that's fine. But I'm finishing at the divorce place now and I'll be at the bakery in ten minutes "

"Okay" Leo sighed. He began to panic, silently pacing up and down as he turned the nape of his neck. He still had about fifteen minutes until they needed to pick up the ring and he didnt want to ruin the surprise.
He took the phone off of speaker phone and put it to his ear "okay, change of plans. Could you possibly meet us at home instead? It's just, we're pretty much finished in town"

"Sure. But it'll probably take me about an hour to walk back"

"Yeah, us too" Leo replied neurotically.

"Okay, well I'll let you go so you can get home then. I expect it'll take longer, especially with it nearing Bear's naptime."

The forty six year old glanced at his watch before looking at Bear, who was now rubbing his eyes, a fatigued expression overtaking his face.

He looked exactly like Kate, Leo thought.

"I love you, so much" he blurted.

A giggle was heard from the other line
"I love you, too. See you soon"

"See you soon, darling"

Leo hung up and turned his attention to the 3 kids in front of him.

"Right. The plan of action. We go to the jewellers then home. I will take care of putting the picnic together and setting up the beach venue while you keep her entertained okay? We have to get home In an hour, okay? So quick sticks!"

He ushered Mia, Joe and Bear towards the road and held Bears hand as the lights turned to red, signalling them to cross.

Inside the jewellers, Leo had sat the children on the chairs that overlooked the street so they wouldn't get bored whilst he spoke to David.

"Is it finished?"

"Of course, Leo." He handed him a ring
It was gold, a beautiful silver rose on the top and thankfully, still warm from the soldering.

The forty six year old inspected it before deciding that it was perfect.
David nodded and went to the back to find a box to put the ring in.

Meanwhile, Mia, Joe and Bear had scrambled over to set their sights on the band.

"No. You must not look at it until later." Leo exclaimed, hiding it from the children's sights.

"Is it nice?" Mia asked.

"It is. Perfect in fact. Your mother will love it."

"Thsts all that matters, eh?" David yelled as he entered the room. "Do you want white or purple?"

Leo looked over to the 3 kids infront of him

"What do you think?"

"Purple!" They chorused, jumping up and down.

The forty six year old nodded, handing out a wad of cash towards him.

"Purple it is."

David took the money and counted it

"The ring and the box cost £700. You gave me £1000 so you have this change left."
He handed Leo £300 back but he declined.

"Keep the change. You deserve it after making this on such short notice. Thankyou so much."

"Ah, it's no worries, it's my job after all. I just hope it goes well and she says yes. Good luck"

David held his hand out and Leo accepted, giving it a firm shake before heading out the door and running to the car park.

They got home before Kate, with about ten minutes to spare in fact. This gave Leo and the kids enough time to decide on the final arrangements.

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