Rightfully mine

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The couple turned to face the man walking towards them, not letting eachother go from their embrace.

"Ned what are you doing here?" Leo demanded.

The forty three year old scoffed, unfolding his arms from his chest. He then removed his sunglasses from his eyes and began to grab onto Kate's wrist.

"To claim back what's rightfully mine"

Leo's hold on Kate became stronger as both of their breaths sped up. Their eyes became saucepans at the sheer sight and feeling of Ned Rocknroll.

"Ned, let go of me" she tensed at the contact.

"Why? You're my wife and I'll do what I like to you."
He pulled her arm until she was sent flying into his clasp.

"Good. Now come along wifey, let's go and play house" he mocked.

He began to lead her away, his hand on the small of her back. The sight made Leo sick, watching his new fiancée walk off with the man who had beat her up.

"Ned, get the hell off of her"

The man turned around, forcefully twisting Kate around with him. She whimpered at the proximity.

"What did you do to her?"

"What do you mean what did I do to her? She is my wife, Leonardo not yours. So you're the one who should stay away from her, not me."

Kate looked at her fiancé desperately, silently pleading for him to do something.


Leo averted his distressed gaze from her equally as panicked face to the man standing beside her.

He gritted his teeth, and carefully set his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to sooth her.

"Shes not your wife. Last time I checked, she'd divorced you for being an abusive asshole"

"Leo please stop, you're scaring me" the forty five year old pleaded, her voice wavering.

"Kate, I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I am. But this inconsiderate bitch needs to learn a lesson about hurting my fiancée"

He turned to Ned again.

"One more time. Get. off. her"

But that comment seemed to only anger him even more.

His hand distorted from a tight grip on her waist to a fist; flying towards her face. Leo seized the opportunity to jump infront and take the punch.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Leo yelled, jumping in front of Kate and pushing her into the sand before falling on top of her.

Neds punch was ceased but that didnt stop him.

"Kate get your ass up and come with me"


"No buts" he yelled, reaching into his pocket.
"Come with me or your kids are going with me"

Leo caught a glimpse of something in Ned's grasp and he craned his neck to try and see what it was.

Eventually, he realised it was a knife and he pushed Kate behind him.

"Get that away from her!"

Kate turned to the three children sat startled at the table and whispered something faintly to them. To Leo and Ned, her words were indistinguishable but to Mia, Joe and Bear, it was as clear as the oceans crystal tidal waves.

They immediately rose from the chairs, Bear on Mia's hip as Joe clung tightly onto her hand, not letting go.
Kate watched as her three children ran far away from them, away from harm's path.

Or so she thought.

"Kate, where did you send them?"

He pushed the knife to her neck, his hot breath running through her ears as he pushed her closer to his body.
Leo stood there, in fear that if he did anything, he would hurt or even murder her.

"Now now, Lizzy Borden" the forty six year old warned, inching towards Kate at a steady pace.

He looked Ned in the eyes, noticing a glint of what he thought was jealousy.
Jealousy for what? he thought.
For their relationship?
As if.
Who would be jealous of them?

"You dont want to do this, you don't want to hurt her."

Leo decided to stoop to his level, just for the moment to convince him to let Kate go.

"Shes your wife. You love her. She loves you"

Kate's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. She didn't love him, not in the slightest.

"Just go with it" Leo mouthed to her, earning a nod.

"Move your neck one more time and this knife is going into you. Do you understand?"

No response, just a gulp.

"I said. Do you understand " Ned gritted, pushing the blade further into her.

"Yes." She sobbed " I understand. Just please don't hurt Leo or my kids please"

Ned scoffed " I don't care about your sodding kids, Kate!"

"I mean it, Ned. Get off of her" Leo yelled.

"Or else what? What are you going to do, Leo? Last time I checked you aren't Kate's body guard"

"No" Leo countered, moving his body closer to Ned's. "but I am her fiancé and its my job to take care of her and make sure she's not getting hurt by bastards like you!"

"One more word from you, Casanova and your precious fiancée will get it."
Ned mocked, once again tightening his grip on Kate.

Kate snarled, attempting to wriggle free from his grasp.

"Get off of me!" The forty five year old squealed as she attempted to kick him in the shin.

"Stop kicking me!"

"Why what are you going to do about it, Ned?"

"Kate, sweetheart you know he has a knife right?" Leo asked fearfully.

She scoffed, shaking her head as she managed to free herself from Ned.

"Its a butter knife, Leo. It wont hurt me. If you actually want to cause harm, Ned. Try using a sharper blade."

Kate walked towards Leo, rubbing her nose against his in order to sooth him. She knew he was concerned. He always was whenever it came to Ned, Sam or Jim. And even though Kate and Sam ended amicably, Leo was still wary of him.

"Its okay, Leo. I'm okay. The kids are okay. Stop panicking"

"I'm not!" The forty six year old laughed, running his index finger down the crease of her jawline. "I'm just concerned that hes going to hurt you"

She brushed off the comment "it's nothing, Leo. Hes harmless, really."


"Leo" she chortled "the man wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone hurt his ex wife. You see, he thinks hes Don Corleon but in reality he's just a Joel Barish"

"You think so?" Leo whispered

Kate nodded " I know so."

He pulled her into a tight hug, a gentle sort of tight though.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm so sorry that this evening wasnt as perfect as I conceptualised."

"Oh, Leo. Don't be daft." She wrapped her arms around his neck before planting a kiss on his cheek "It was perfect. Beyond perfect."

Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted by a voice again.

Neds voice.

"Any last words, Winslet?"

She turned around and her eyes widened at the sight.

"W-where did you get the bread knife from?"

Her voice faded as she collapsed into the sand. Blood began to pour from her midriff and one thing became apparent.

Kate Winslet had been stabbed.

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