The phone call

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Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio: two of Hollywood's very own heartthrobs. People have been shipping them together left, right and centre for almost three decades now. And during the time that they've known each other for, never once have they publicised their feelings for one another.
As far as die-heart Titanic fans know, Kate and Leonardo are platonic; the closest of friends in fact. Photos and sources by paparazzis, magazines, interviews, archives and videos all show the affection, the closeness of these stunning actors. The way their lips curve upwards into smiles of glee as they run into each other arms during award ceremonies, how they would hold eachother close into a hug and not let one another go. And of course, when Kate would hold his hand instead of her husband's.

It is safe to say, they both have feelings for one another, and not just platonic ones.
Kate Elizabeth Winslet and Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio are lovers, being held back only by the fear of messing their friendship up.
Because what if they got together, broke up and it didn't end amicably?
What if the star dazzling friendship that KLeo fans envy dissolves through the game of love?


It was three am in Los Angeles, California and Leonardo was sound asleep in his bed. The darkness that surrounded his bedroom was pleasantly soothing to him; it lulled him to sleep each night. The drone of the cars on the busy streets outside gave him the sense that life was out there

Ever since Kate had got married to her third husband, Ned in 2012, Leo couldn't help but feel as if he was truly alone in this world. The love of his life (although he dare admit it) had been married three times now, all within the twenty odd years that he had known her.

And each time she'd divorce, Leo's heart would plummet to the bottom of his stomach. Every time this had happened, she would fly out to California with her children and would stay at his house until she had new living arrangements sorted and the kids new schools sorted.

Leo knew that Kate hated moving her children to new schools every year but it was a sacrifice she had to make for her job and her family life. He'd offered multiple times to look after them when she was working abroad so she wouldn't have to hire a babysitter, yet she always declined, stating that she didn't want to put anything extra on his plate.

Damn that English politeness, he always found himself thinking.

Meanwhile, in West Wittering, a quaint and seemingly picturesque village on England's south coast, Kate was sat up in bed, phone in hand. It was 10 am and Bear was laying in the doorway, picking at lose strings on his mothers bedroom carpet.

Kate glanced over at her youngest child, whose lips pressed into a pout as he picked at another string and unravelled another row.

"Bear, what's wrong?"

The seven year old removed his hand from the floor and sat up to face his mother.

"I'm hungry."

"Go and ask Mia or Joe to make you some toast then."

Kate looked back at her phone, her thumb hovering over a green button that had the symbol of a telephone imprinted onto it.

"I dont want toast!" Bear whined, throwing himself onto the bed.

"Then ask them to make you some cereal, or whatever you want"

Bear looked up before padding over to his mother and throwing himself into her chest, muttering something incoherent and curling up on her lap.

Kate was growing impatient; she just needed some time alone, without Bear attached to her limbs every minute of the day.

"What was that?"

"Can we face time Uncle Leo?" Bear repeated.

Kate looked down, her eyes becoming glassy as she stared into the young boy's.


She nodded, a small smile overtaking her face. She did not want to say no to her son, nor upset him. Especially after the devastating news he was going to be receiving later on in the day.

She swallowed before standing up from the bed and settling Bear onto her back. He wrapped his arms around her neck and his legs around her waist, clinging onto his mother like a koala.

"Let's go get some breakfast and we'll call Uncle Leo in a bit, okay? It's very very early for him now remember?"

"Oh yeah" the seven year old groaned as they reached the breakfast bar. Kate slowly dropped him down onto a chair and tucked him in, before walking around to the kitchen.

"So, what do you fancy eating?"
She leant forward onto the side, allowing her chest to rest on her folded arms.

"Mhm, I dont know"

She turned around and began jokingly scrambling around in the cupboards, searching for " I dont know's", both of them laughing when she hit her head on a shelf.

"Wheres daddy?" Bear asked, a hint of innocence in his voice.

Kate abruptly discontinued her actions, even dropping a can of peaches onto the floor and leaving its contents to pour out from the lid. She sank to the tiled floor, burying her face into her now bent knees.

Bear's eyes widened in horror at the sight. His mother was shaking on the floor, sobbing. Her breathing heavy and only getting worse as her knees slowly pressed more and more into her chest, stripping her lungs of any oxygen.

"Mummy, can you hear me? Please stop crying" he wailed.

"Mia! Joe! Help mummy !"


But it was no use. Mia and Joe had already left out for the day.

It was just Kate and Bear locked in this mansion in the south of England, the nearest family members residing forty-seven miles away in Reading. It was no use, he thought. They couldn't calm his mother down anyway.

Bears eyes lit up, an idea forming in his mind. He scrambled, hands and knees to his mothers phone which was on placed on a leather ottoman on the other side of the room. He unlocked it and without hesitation, clicked on Leonardo's name in the contacts list.

From the other side of the world, it was still night time. Leo was fast asleep, unaware of anything. As far as he knew he had nothing to worry about for the next three months until he began filming again.

A buzzing was heard from the bedside table, followed by a ringtone. It ripped Leonardo from his peaceful slumber as he quickly jostled his way to his phone. Unplugging it, he swiped right to answer it, not bothering to check the caller ID. He wedged the device between his ear and shoulder as he ripped the blanket off of his legs.

"Hello?" His voice croaked into the speaker.

Little did he know, his life was about to change.


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