What if

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Leo, Kate, Mia, Bear and Joe were sat around the dining table eating the Fish and Chips that Mia had bought earlier. Being on the coast, the Cod was caught that morning, meaning it was extra fresh and tasty.

"Kids, we have some very exciting news for you." Leo claimed, rubbing Kate's shoulder.

Mia, Joe and Bear set their cutlery on their nearly empty plates and looked up at the adults.

"We are courting." Kate added.

"Courting? Is that a fancy word for dating?" A puzzled Leo asked.

"Clearly." Joe exclaimed, rolling his eyes jokingly. "Unless there was some other news you'd planned on sharing?"

"Not that I know of, no."

"In that case, I suppose congratulations are in order, in spite of the fact that I already knew."

Kate choked on her wine. "You knew?"

"Yeah!" Joe retorted in a 'duh' tone
"Leo told me earlier."

"He did, did he?" The forty-five year old asserted, leaning into the table.

"Yeah, you were... asleep" Leo interrupted sheepishly

"You weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Kate jokingly yelled.

"I- sorry, I just thought it would be best to tell him before rumours got around at college. Plus, I didn't exactly tell him, I sent an article."

"Right" Kate warned.

"I better go do my uh, uni coursework now, thanks for dinner" the twenty year old proposed, walking out the room.

"Me too, I have English work to catch up on" Joe followed his sister out.

Bear just smiled and ran towards his siblings, not bothering to make an excuse.

"So that was a nice way to tell them, I suppose" Leo chuckled nervously.

Standing up, Kate gave Leo a light slap on the wrist before proceeding to pick up the plates and cutlery to wash up.

"Yeah because you got to tell Joe."

She walked towards the sink and began filling it with water.

"I'm sorry!" Leo yelled. He walked up towards her and set his arms around her waist, leaning down and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You didn't want rumours getting out and Joe being made fun of for having a failure for a mum, I get it." She shooed him away as if he was a fly and not her boyfriend.

He remained behind her, peppering kisses on her neck to annoy her.

"Stop. It!" Kate squealed "this is not conducive in getting the washing up done, is it?"

"No but you love it." Leo rasped against her nape. He twisted his fingers in her hair, forming mini blonde curls.

"So soft."

"What is?"

"Your hair"

"Mhm" she sighed, relishing in the pleasure of him tugging her hair before clicking back into reality. 

"Leo, I need to do the washing up."

"No." He sulked "tomorrow."

"Leo, honey. I need to do it now. It's piling up!"

She pointed to a stack of plates, bowls and cutlery that were stacked into a neat yet looming tower, nearly reaching the height of the cabinets.

"I know. But tomorrow."

Time Stands Still || Kate & Leoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن