On the Trail

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Tauriel kept riding in the direction of Caradhas pass. A couple of yards north of her, she saw a group of boulders, grouped together in the same area. As Tauriel got closer she saw a faint smoke, going up into the air. Tauriel kicked her horse to go faster over toward the rocks. When Tauriel arrived at the boulders, she slowed her horse down to a trot, as she jumped off quickly.

Tauriel walked to the boulders and saw evidence that someone had been here. She went to the smoke, finding a bowl filled of soup that had been spilled. She saw a shoe print on one of the boulders, from a elvan shoe.

"Legolas!" mumbled Tauriel.

She looked over her left shoulder. Tauriel saw sand, with a couple of large rocks surrounding the sand. Tauriel walked down to the sand and found several different foot prints in the sand. The footprints were scattered all over the place. There were two types of prints, as well.

"Two human prints and two hobbit prints." mumbled Tauriel to herself.

She looked around a little more and found that one of their swords had fallen on the ground, making a print in the sand. The print from the sword, had a design on it, that symbolized the kingdom of Gondor.

"Boromir's sword," whispered Tauriel. "They must of seen the bats looking for them."

"If they saw the bats they know they are being hunted; they know they can't take the normal paths." thought Tauriel.

Tauriel kept looking around the boulders to find anything that they might of left.

Tauriel stood up and looked at the land around her, trying to figure out which way they might of taken. Tauriel looked at a mountain covered in snow. Tauriel dropped her mouth slightly, because she realized which way they had taken.

"They took the pass of Caradhas." said Tauriel with worry.

Without a moment to lose, Tauriel hopped on her horse and shouted, "A lelyalme." (A lelyalme = lets go) to her horse. Her horse processed the words and started to come over to Tauriel.

Tauriel galloped north toward the Caradhas pass. When she was by the mountain, that had a steep path going up. Tauriel thought she should take the Caradhas path because it would be quicker to get to them, but realized it would be to cold for her and her horse. Tauriel thought it would of been better if she would go around the pass, and meet up with their trail on the other side. Tauriel kept going north so that she could go around the mountains and meet back up with Legolas's trail.

As Tauriel rode she kept watch of everything around her, fore she knew if the bats are looking for the ring, they would do anything to get it back and Tauriel did not want to lead orcs right to them.

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