He'd pushed the thought away and started walking, of course Sakusa was at his side. Their previous silence was slightly disrupted by the sounds of cars driving down the street every now and then, yet it didn't change the feeling of comfort the two got from just being near one another, no disruption could ever change that.

During their quiet walk to the park, Sakusa found himself catching Atsumu glancing at him every now and then, something he could've easily questioned, yet decided against as he'd be lying if he said he hadn't done the same either.

Pushing that thought aside however, Sakusa focuses back ahead of himself and Atsumu. They'd reached the park and headed up the small path to the fountain, getting up to their bench like they did the other nights, and taking a seat on opposite sides.

"Back we are again Omi," Atsumu finally spoke up, breaking the silence they held for a good fifteen minutes. "This is like our own little spot when it gets dark." The blonde chuckled softly, a sweet smile resting on his face, hidden away by his mask.

Sakusa found himself smiling a little at this, he liked that, the thought of having a special little place he shared with Atsumu. Though if he had to be honest, the dark-haired was starting to think it was more the male he was with that he liked so much, because when it came to thought, Sakusa decided he didn't entirely mind where they were, as long as Atsumu was there with him.

Speaking of Atsumu, Sakusa glanced over to see the blonde admiring the night sky above them, the way the moons light lit up Atsumu's pale skin, giving it a shine like that of an angels, it had Sakusa looking in awe.

Something so new to him, yet something so welcoming.

Besides the others appearance which really seemed to shine under the moonlight, Sakusa focused a little more and found himself noticing something, the light shaking coming from Atsumu. It was a pretty chilly night and he'd made the decision of going out in a t-shirt, something that Sakusa came to find as an opportunity.

Atsumu heard some shuffling at his side and looked over, a little surprised at the sight. Sakusa had just finished pulling his hoodie off with a soft sigh, giving Atsumu a look as he held it out.

Sakusa held in a chuckle at how dumbfounded the blonde looked in the moment, like as if he'd just witnessed a miracle.

"You're shaking idiot, I'd rather not have to deal with you getting sick, so take it." Sakusa stated, his reasoning being partially true.

Atsumu was hesitant but nodded at this, silently taking the hoodie from Sakusa and slipping it on. He had to admit, it was a little big on him but that seemed to make it better. The blonde had sat back, subconsciously snuggling into the hoodie, both enjoying the warmth and just how much it smelled like Sakusa.

"Enjoying yourself there Miya?" Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully and Atsumu snapped back quickly, looking to Sakusa. He really was thankful for the mask covering his light blush at the moment.

"Mhm, it's comfy Omi, thank ya." Atsumu nodded and Sakusa brushed it off, taking another minute to admire such as sight that was the blonde across from him before his eyes found their way to the sky.

In that moment, a silence once again fell over the two, a loving atmosphere filling the place of what words couldn't seem to manage, a moment Sakusa took to think. The dark-haired was considering something, something he didn't see himself trying in a million years.

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