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Avas POV

After taking Drew into my room. I sit him on my bed so he can get comfy. I sit across from him and scan his eyes. I look too see how he feels but I can't see anything.

"Drew Please tell me what's wrong?" I plead

"It's nothing. I don't know why I'm even crying" he says. Drew gets up and makes his way too the door.

I get in between him and the door and yell "You will not leave until you tell me what's wrong?"

Drew slightly laughs and says "You won't give up will you?"


"Ok well let's sit down first" Drew sits on the bed and I sit across him.

Drew takes a deep inhale before saying "My kid died about a year ago. She was the light of my life." Tears start running down Drew's face.

I grab his hand and whisper "Take your time. You don't need too rush"

Drew wipes away the tears and continues " Her name was Grace. The anniversary of her death is in a couple of days and it's just so hard to think that she's really dead."

I starts to tear up as well and slowly give Drew a hug. Drew puts his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry too hear that. Do you need anything?" I whisper

"No im fine. I just need too breath for a second"

"It's okay take your time. Im here if you need anything just ask."

"Thank you Ava. It's nice too finally have a friend here." Drew pulls away from the hug and looks at me.

"Why don't you have any friends here?"

"People are scared of me. Everyone thinks that I'm ruthless."

I chuckle and say "well I'm not scared of you so consider me your best friend"

"Thanks Ava. I appreciate it." Drew smiles slightly

"Your welcome Drew." I look over at my phone and see what time it is.

"Wow it's already 7 Im gonna go to the garden." I exclaim

"Ok let's go" Drew says.

We walk out of my room and head to the garden. As we head there we run into someone I didn't expect too see.

"Hello Marcus" I roll my eyes.

"Hi Ava, where are you going?" He pondered

"Nowhere you need too know about."

"Ava, sweety, why are you still mad? It's not a big deal. Staying here is the best thing for you."

I scoff and walk away leaving Marcus alone. Drew and I make it too the garden and roam around. Making small conversation here and there. After awhile of talking we head inside too eat. As we make our way there I get a text for someone.

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