Once I saw him on a boulder just looking up at the sky. I walked closer and then our eyes met. 

“Ry, are you ok bud?” I asked him and looked around, since the day Amar went out of control. Nothing has been able to grow back here. It’ll forever be a dead zone and I hate it. 

“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled before hiding his face from me. 

“What would make you say that?” I said before climbing the boulder and sat next to him. 

“You always take their side.” He sniffled as he began to sob. 

“Ry, I know things aren’t easy bud. Remember this, as much as they can talk and blame you. I know better, I saw what happened before Martin came to get me.” I chuckled and he blushed bright red. 

“I may sound like I’m on their side. But Ry, I will forever be by your side. It’s not easy being the oldest brother. You get blamed for things. What makes a difference is you know the truth as I do. One thing Brent taught me before leaving here and meeting Kensi, is to never jump the gun. His parents hurt both him and your uncle. What made the difference is they learned the truth and based on that. They grew from it. They moved past it and became their own people. So, no matter what. Boys will be boys, even little boys.” I smiled and I hugged him. 

“Are you going to tell Gary and Joseph?” He asked and I saw the fear in his eyes. 

“I have to, but don’t worry about them. I’m not letting them sway me anymore. I’m done letting people control me.” I smiled and he looked at me warily and I shook my head. 

A few years ago the last remaining hunters who were still against the supernatural, kidnapped a few of us and brainwashed us to attack our friends and family. It took nearly three years before I could face them all again. Since then I’m so much more cautious about who I let into my life. 

As we got to the house. The twins were running wild and Gary and Joseph were just in the living room cuddled together. 

“Oh, you’re home. Where have you been?” Gary yawned as he turned to our direction. 

“Spending time with Ryker. Why are the boys running wild and not ready for dinner?” I asked them. 

“They didn’t tell us you asked them to get ready for dinner.” He shrugged and I huffed. 

“Well please, can you both help them get ready for dinner?” I asked while I finished cooking with Ryker. 

Before they left I caught them both glare at Ryker and I brought him closer to me. 

“That’s enough of that.” I growled out causing the house to shake. 

After they dashed up the stairs after the boys. I turned to my shaking boy and hugged him. 

“It’s ok my boy. I’m forever here for you when you truly need it. I promise you that until the day I die. They may say what they want but you are my everything.” I smiled and hugged him tight as the vision of what’s to come ends. 

Since that day in the kitchen, It seems like I’ll never be able to be what he needs me to be with the twins, Gary and Joseph causing chaos every chance they get. I fucking hate being supernatural, it would make things so much easier if I wasn’t completely bond to them as I am. 

“Altan, I’ve had it up to here with those four.” Brent said, slamming a hand on the counter and turning to me as I was putting the final touches on Ryker’s tenth birthday cake. 

“Brent. Don’t you think I know what’s going on? I have future visions, remember? It’s not easy seeing them be that way towards him. He’s my fucking son. You may think I’m blind to the fact it’s not affecting him but I do. I have tried over and over again to get them to grow the hell up. We may not be together but we agreed to stay friends for his sake. I want to stay friends with you and they hate the idea because they blame you for what happened six years ago with me being kidnapped and you weren’t even in the same country. You were opening a new cafe in London. If I had the chance to break my bonds with them, at this point in my life. I would rather be mateless and deal with the pain. You and Ryker have been there for me when I was recovering. They just worked more and distancing themselves. When I was taking care of the kids while having nightmares and hallucinations. They didn’t give a shit so don’t sit here and attack me like I’m turning a blind eye to what they’re doing.” I glared at him. 

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now