Date Night Part 2

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"Where is he now?," Sky asks.

"Um, he is dead. That's what my mom tells me. She says he died when I was less than a year old by a heart attack. I don't remember him though. I had no idea what a dad was until middle school when people would ask. I asked her that day and she looked so sad and told me what happened and I never asked again after that. And to be honest, I think I am okay with that. Although I only have one picture of him and no relatives on his side because Mom says he was an orphan. And mom keeps the photo," I reply back. I can see worry in Sky's eyes but I look back to her to say I'm okay.

"I worry more for Jay. He's the only guy and he never had that father-son relationship and I always felt bad for that because I had mom to talk too about my period and stuff," I say looking down into my hands.

"I'm sorry," I hear Sky mutter.

"It's okay honestly. So, what about the great Müller family? How many of you guys are there?," I ask.

"Well, you met my brother Jason. He is a handful and he is only 17, two years younger than me-"

"So, you're 19?," I interrupted.

"-Yes. So he is smart like me, and strong, but he is still a handful hahaha. He got lucky. Him and Kole knew each other their whole lives and they had to become closer when I picked Kole as my beta, which is second in command. And when Kole turned 16, he knew his mate was Jason and he had to wait two years painfully to claim Jason as his mate. And they have been dating ever since. And they are really annoying. You thought Kole was scary when you met him in the woods, well wait until you meet love sick puppy Kole," Sky laughs.

"I also have one more sibling. His name is Jiago. He's 10 and he looks a lot like Jason and I. He is also a handful. I also have my mother and father, Dana and Richard Müller. They are nice and when I told them about you, my mother was jumping with joy and thinking of what the mating ceremony will be like," Sky laughs heavier this time.

"And that's it for family, "Sky says as she leans back into the booth.

"Mating ceremony?," I ask confused.

"Oh, it's um like a human wedding, kind of. But I officially "officially" become Alpha when I have the mating ceremony and come of the age of 20. I need both those things," Sky says as she sips on her shake.

"Okay, well, hmmmm," I say, trying to think of another question.

"Well, what's your favorite subject?," I ask thinking how stupid my question is.

"Whichever ones you're in. Yours?," Sky smirks at me.


"Uhhh, I guess anything with science and art. I love them both equally. Science is all about testing the limits and discovering new things and art is about expressing your true self," I reply.

"What's your favorite food?," I add on.

"Anything with meat I guess. Wolves are a predatory species and we are carnivores. I guess that just makes me like meat so much," Sky says as she takes another bite of her burger finishing it off.

"I think mine definitely has some meat in it, but a salad never hurt anyone as well," I laugh.

"True. Very true," Sky smiles at me. I smile back at her and finish off the rest of my burger.

"If you are ready, you can take the milkshake with you," Sky says as she finishes off her fries.

"Oh, yeah, okay," I say as I go to grab my wallet. I feel Sky grab my hand.

"Hey, it's my date tonight. I'll pay. How about you get the next one?," Sky winks at me and I blush.

"Sure, the next one. Got you," I say as I try and hide my smile.

She wants a second date!!!

Sky pulls out her card and heads to pay for the food. I put on my jacket and grab both our shakes. The restaurant seems less packed and I check my watch which reads 20:04 so no wonder less people are eating now. The streets seemed to be heavily packed and I kind of guessed werewolves could show more of themselves at night where less people would probably pass through their town.

I walked up to Sky and handed her her shake. "Thanks," she replies.

We exited and the streets were definitely more packed but not super packed where I couldn't walk through.

"Sorry about the people. Werewolves especially like to come out late but you will definitely see some witches around as well. Most go out to drink and have fun since we need like 20 beers to get drunk hahaha," I hear Sky laugh beside me. She hands me her black helmet as she gets on. I wrap my hands a little looser around Sky's waist knowing that I feel safer now.

I was definitely wrong.

She goes faster this time and I hold on for dear life as she turns down the road then off to the side road when my house lays. As we enter the secluded path, the night is darker now with a huge open sky in front of us.

I get off the motorcycle and grip the helmet off of me. We walk up to my front door together hand in hand.

"I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you," I smile at Sky.

"You're welcome. I had a fun one too," Sky leans into me. Her lips were inches away from mine and I couldn't help but grab them. I leaned in for a deeper kiss as Sky grabs my hips and pulls me towards her.

After a few seconds, she pulls away from me.

"Goodnight," she says as she walks towards her motorcycle, climbs on, and drives away.

Oh my god.

I walk through the front door and up the stairs towards my bed with a smile plastered all over my face. 

The Alpha And Her Human Mate (Werewolf)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon