Chapter 17: The True Plan.

Start from the beginning

And Slayton saw who Trotsky was talking about. "Those guys?" He asked.

"Yes. The Hidebehinds. They will be the next to join us." Trotsky answered.

And that was when a whole heard of Hidebehinds arrived in front of Trotsky.

"Are you Trotsky?" One of the Hidebehind asked.

Trotsky nodded. "I wanted to meet you great creatures. And I could use some creatures of your incredible strength. And that's not even the best part." He explained.

"What's the best part?" The Hidebehind asked.

"It comes with revenge on the No-Maj that kicked you from your homes." Trotsky answered. 

The Hidebehinds all smiled. "We're in." The talking one informed.

Trotsky smiled evilly. "Excellent. Now, there's one more group we need to collect."

"More gangsters?" Slayton asked.

"No. And unlike your Gangsters, these people have great honor." Trotsky answered.

"I'll vouch for that." Diablo commented. Even though Slayton still had no clue on what was going on.

"The Hidebehinds aren't the only ones who lost their homes in Westward expansion." Trotsky said.

Meanwhile. The Streets of New York descended into another wave of violence... more than usual. Except the difference was that Wizards were now on the streets being mobsters attacking and robbing out some of the No-Maj. 

"Come on lads! Let's rip this town anew!" A Mobster laughed out loud. And it wasn't just in New York. Cities like Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and even as far as Los Angeles were also in Chaos.

The first priority was New York though. If the city fell to Gangsters, MACUSA would never recover. And to spearhead the effort of the Aurors in New York was an Auror who served as head since Vietnam named Asher Corbett who had set up a post inside of Central Park. 

"Status report?" Corbett requested from one of his Aurors.

"The Mobsters are setting up a base inside the Diamond District in New York. There on the roof tops and they're covering fire for their boys on the streets." The Auror reported. 

"Then that's our first priority. We need to secure those rooftops and get back control of the High Ground. As long as we're low, it's a losing fight." Corbett ordered. "Get on the horn to our other boys and let em know.

The Aurors saluted. But the fight would not be that easy. Despite the fact that No-Maj were warned to stay away from peculiar buildings that didn't stop those idiots that just laugh at danger sightings. They would pay the price for that. So Bush, who was well aware of the Mobster incident ordered the National Guard in to help restore order. 

"You those Aurors?" The Commander of the National Guard asked.

"Yeah. We're the ones." One of the Aurors answered. "You here to help us against the gangsters?"

"That we are. We saw in cameras that the Mobsters are held up on the roofs. We've orders to go in there and secure them." The Commander replied.

"Well, good. More guns. Now the mission is simple. We get up on the roofs and we secure them so the Mobsters don't pick us off like fish in a barrel." The Auror informed.

"Got it. Let's go." The Commander replied.

"Heads up!" An N.G. soldier yelled as there was a gang of Mobsters were coming out of an exploded building carrying some gold like nifflers. They all saw the No-Maj and the Aurors.

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