||Part 2 Chapter 13!!||

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||Y/n's P.o.v||

"Alright alright, all of you calm down and shut up!" I exclaimed to my friend group, "Listen up, I'm only saying this one time, and that's it!! It actually all started a couple hours ago, all thanks to you Karma..."


Since there's no nurse on the E class campus, Nagisa and I had to go allllll the way down to the main campus. The whole time, we were totally holding hands, but we weren't saying anything because we didn't know what to say!! It was like super awkward!! I was blushing, he was blushing, it was a whole damn mess!! But anyways, we get to the nurse right, and this lady has the nerve to say to us,

"You'll have to wait a second dear. It's not serious, so I'll go and run and get some ice."

So the lady nurse gave me this like tissue to put in my bloody nose. Nagisa and I were just sitting there though. It was soooo awkard, but then Nagisa was all like,

"soooooo..." But he didn't finish his sentence.

I looked at him and blinked, he still didn't really say anything. I decided to looked down at my nails, which were kinda dirty. Since they were dirty I wanted to give them a nice cleaning,

"So?" I asked, wanting Nagisa to continued.

"We should finally have a talk about things...don't you think." He asked.

My face heated up more, "y-yea I guess..."


More slience. This time I decided to take charge and say something,

"I need to tell you something...about that whole assassination resort thing..."


"You knew I was trying to confess, didn't you?" I asked now staring down at the ground.

Nagisa was silent for a second, "Yea..."

I grimaced, 'great...this is totally how I was expecting this conversation to go...' I thought to myself. Instead I saying that though I said,

"I figured that much...a person can only be so dense..."

"Y/n...I don't not like you..." Nagisa began.

Unfortunately Nagisa didn't get to finish talking because stupid nurse lady came back with the damn ice!!! She inspected my nose and sent us off. Now it was even more awkward... neither of us said anything the whole way back. Now that we were back on campus, I figured we'd just pretend like we didn't have that embarrassing conversation. Nagisa on the other hand...he had other plans. We got to the the steps of the school and he stopped me and grabbed my hands. Where did the ice go? Oh yea, I ate that shit... anyways he grabbed my hands and looked me right in my eyes!! It was like he was staring into my soul, and he said,

"Y/n I'm not gonna lie to you... I'm not gonna say I don't like you because I do, but I just thought for a long time that you liked someone else, so this is all really weird for me and I'm not sure how to feel about all of this..."

"You're not sure...if you like me?" I asked for clarification.

"Sorry..." he told me.

I sighed a breath of relief, "I'm just glad you don't hate me..." I admitted.

"Hate you??? What kind of person do you think i am???" He exclaimed

"Stop holding my hands and shouting at me!! Now you're the one making me confused!!" I told him.

He let go of my hands and looked away from me,

"Sorry..." he told me.

"It's uh...cool..." I assured him.

Honestly I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be heartbroken or not, because he didn't technically reject me. He just said he was confused, still though, this whole situation was really awkward...

"Anyways so uh, do you maybe want to go on a date today? There's this new movie and I think you'd really like it..." Nagisa said to me.

"Say what now?" I asked cocking my head to the side, "we don't have to hang out just because—"

"No but I want to!!  Like I said... I don't not like you..." he told me.

My face heated up, 'does that mean I legitimately have a chance now?!??' I thought to myself.


"And so now we're dating!!" I explained.

"Wait so let me get this straight..." Karma began, "you guys aren't really dating as like a couple? You're Just going out on dates, like friends...?"

"Yes?" I agreed partiality

"It's more complicated than that..." Nagisa said grabbing my hand, "We're going on dates because Y/n likes me, and I want to give her a chance..."

My whole face was filled with heat, "Yea what he said! And now that that's out the way, we're going to the movies!!" I exclaimed.

Then I dragged Nagisa out the classroom to our first official date!! My new mission has been unlocked...To make Nagisa fall in love with me by the end of the school year!! That can't shouldn't be too hard!!
Yalll I— what did I tell you!!! Come get y'all juice!! I left and I came back with goodies for my tasty little Bakas!!  Also if there are any errors, no there not!! I had to edit this on my phone at the beach so like yea! See you next week besties😈😈

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