||Chapter 45!!||

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~Previously on 'Second Place' in Chapter 44~

Turns out the evil mastermind behind the attack on E-Class was none other than Mr. Takaoka. Since he has the antidote though, the remainder of E class and even Mr. Karasuma have no choice but to do what he says. They all go onto the roof and it's discovered that the reason he poisoned E-class was to Kill Koro Sensei and get revenge on Nagisa and Y/n. When Takaoka tells Nagisa to fight him, Y/n tries to stop him, but he reassures her that he'll be okay. She let's him go but things take a turn for the worst when Takaoka blows up the antidotes. That's when Y/n notices that Nagisa has been taken over by bloodlust. 

||Y/n's P.o.v||

"Nagisa...he's snapped!" Kataoka said.

"Sure, we'd all like to kill that rotten son of a bitch, but Nagisa might just go through with it!" Yoshida exclaimed.

I felt my eyes water,

"W-what are we gonna do? I don't think I can just stand by and watch this happen there has to be something...we can do--"

Suddenly something went flying at Nagisa's back. I looked over and saw it appeared to be that Terasaka was the culprit who threw it. He looked angry, and he was breathing heavily,

"Don't get cocky, Nagisa! I saw that pitiful way you looked at me when that medicine got blown up! Quit worrying' about other people, ya damn wimp! This virus'll go away by itself with a good night's sleep!" He shouted.

"Terasaka...you mean--"

"Murder is murder, even with a piece of trash like that. You gonna give in to the crazy and throw your chance at ten billion out the window?"

"Terasaka's right, Nagisa. Killing him isn't worth it, and being in a blind rage will only work against you. Besides, he doesn't know anything about the remedy. We'll ask the poisoner downstairs. Just knock this one out; that's enough." Koro Sensei told him.

I felt myself getting angry, and I raced over to the railing, and leaned on it. I took a deep breath and shouted at him,

"Nagisa-kun! Don't be an idiot! What happened to our plan and all that stuff about me backing you up?? Were those just empty words??! And our promise?!?!? Did you forget about all that?!? If you murder him, you'll never get to hear what I have to say!!!" I told him.

"Hey, now, quit being a wet blanket! Unless he comes at me with a real intent to kill, what's the point?" Takaoka said, "I'll use this squirt's bloodlust for revenge in a most humiliating way, and finally my own shame will disappear!"

"Nagisa, take Terasaka's stun gun. His life and my life. His words and Terasaka's words. Think carefully, now: Which are worthy?"

Terasaka collapsed on the ground, startling me. Kimura and Yoshida were at his side. I looked back at Nagisa,

"Hey you! You freaking dummy! You do what you have to do, but mark my words Nagisa...I will get up there and I will kick your ass if I have to!! Do you hear me you dumb-- blue haired idiot!! I'm coming to get you!! At least just Terasaka's weapon so I know you haven't lost it yet!!" I shouted angrily.

"Do it, Nagisa. Kill 'im to within an inch of his life." I heard Terasaka say weakly.

To my surprise, Nagisa picked up the weapon, but he didn't use it, he put it in his belt. He tossed off his shirt which blew off in the wind.

I know that what was happening was supposed to be serious, but I couldn't help but fan girl internally upon seeing him in his tank top. He looked so serious and bad ass even though he was about to murder our ex-teacher. I literally had to peel my eyes away from him. There was no way in hell I was just going to sit back and watch Nagisa fight Mr. Takaoka all by himself. I dropped onto my knees and opened up my bag, then I dumped out all the contents inside. I spread everything out and took off my hoodie, putting it beside the dress that Nagisa wore. I pulled my pocket knife and started cutting up my favorite hoodie. Karma eyed me,

Second Place {Nagisa x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now