||Chapter 13!!||

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||Y/n's P.o.v||

    Once we were let out for the day I was relieved. I stretched as I walked out the school,

"Man, today was intense..." I yawned, "Am I right Nagisa?"

I didn't get a reply, so I looked around, as students filed around me, 'Huh?!? Where'd he go???' I thought.

I waited for Nagisa for about 5 minutes completely bored. How could he ask me to walk with him, but then not show up?? Did he leave without me???  I was so bored and nervous waiting on the steps for Nagisa. 'Where the hell could that bastard be???' I wondered as I started playing on my phone, getting ready to text him. That's when the principal walked out startling the crap at me. He gave me this weird fake smile and told me,

    "Good luck on you're exams!"

I got chills and nodded awkwardly at him. He walked away and judging my the posture of him from behind, he did not mean a word of what he just said to me. FINALLY Nagisa came out of the school,

    "Nagisa! What the hell took you so long?? I literally had to make small talk with the principal!" I shouted.

He cringed a bit and put his hand on my head and he ruffled my hair a bit,

    "Sorry for keeping you waiting, you ready to go?" He asked smiling.

I felt my face heat up and I looked away. He lifted his hand a bit and I stood up and clutched my bag tightly,

    "Y-yea...sure..." I stammered

    "Oh okay cool, thanks for waiting for me!" He said cheerily.

My face heated up more as we started walking side by side,

    "Yea, yea it's fine!" I told him, "Besides what took you so long? And do you know why the principal was here??"

"Kinda?" Nagisa told me, "It definitely wasn't for anything good..."


Midterms were finally over, but I wasn't relived. I didn't do so well. At first I actually understood the material and knew what to do, but after I got into the early double digits, all hell broke loose...I ended up ranking in the 170s...out of 186...At least I didn't fall asleep during the test, but still...The whole class was bummed, we all didn't do so hot. And by that  I mean, none of us ranked in the top 50, so now Koro Sensei might leave our class.... It didn't help that Koro Sensei stood in front of the chalk board facing away from us. The atmosphere was so tense...

    "I take all responsibility." He finally spoke, "I seem to have underestimated the system at this school. I can't bare to face you..."

I stared at my test scores, I felt like I was about to cry, but I did my best to keep it together, He sounded so disappointed in me... In the midst of my grief, Karma, beside me threw a knife at Koro Sensei. He dodged it of course, I looked up at him,

    "You sure?" Karma asked walking up to the front of the class, "If you can't face us, you can't see  us coming to kill you...At least one student will try to take advantage at that..."

I gasped quietly and quickly wiped my eyes, 'Was he talking about me??'

    "Karma! I'm very depressed right now and-" Koro Sensei exclaimed.

Karma dropped his papers on Koro Sensei's desk, cutting him off.  I'm assuming he got good grades...I forget that Karma is smart sometimes, what with all the dumb shit he does,

    "Changing questions didn't matter to me." he told Koro Sensei.

Soon the whole class was crowed around Koro Sensei's desk to see Karma's grades, including myself. I peered around Karma cautiously to witness his grades, he had 99's, 98's and even a 100. I was actually pretty astonished.

    "Whoa. 100 in math? No way!" Isogi commented.

    "Yea, Karma-kun. You're super smart." I said poking him in the ribs with my index finger.

He slapped my hand away,   

    "Stop it you idiot..." He told me

He looked up at Koro Sensei,

    "With my grades, you taught more than you had to. So I could handle the questions even if they'd changed their scope. Still, I won't be leaving. Assassination is way more fun than going back to my old class. So what's the plan? You gonna use our not all making it into the top fifty as an excuse to turn tail and run?" He asked Koro Sensei

Karma got into Koro Sensei's face,

    "You're just afraid of being killed that's all." Karma taunted.

Koro Sensei obviously didn't like it that much, but the class caught on to what was really going on...

    "Oh, is that it? You were afraid!" Hiroto teased as well.

    "You should have just told us." Kataoka tagged along

    "Right, like 'I'm scared and want to run away!'" Nakamura mimicked.

I laughed a bit,

    "Sensei you're so funny, it's okay to be a little scared!" I joked as well.

The whole class was lauging and joking and Koro Sensei was getting more aggravated at our taunts and chatter. He turned red and started failing his arms around,

    "I am not running away!" He exclaimed.

He looked so silly I had to hold in a laugh,

    "Oh? Then what?" Karma asked him

Koro Sensei stoped failing and turned back to his original color,

    "We'll get revenge on them two fold in the end of term exams!" Koro Sensei told us all.

I couldn't keep my laughter in anymore and neither could the class, and we all laughed,

    "This is no laughing matter!" He exclaimed at us.

This whole thing definitely made me feel a lot better. Next time, I'll make sure I place in the top 50! For Koro Sensei!!


Bleh, I hope these time skips made sense...If you watched the show it should make a tiny bit of sense...This is kind of a filler chapater, with a little bit of Y/n and Nagisa, but oop oh well...

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