||Chapter 23!!||

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||Y/n's P.o.v||

"Everyday chit chat is actually quite simple, I'm sure you all know that one person whose conversations consist of 'maji great' and 'maji bad'. 'Maji can be expressed with the old standby 'really'. Kimura, you try."

I sighed as Professor bitch was teaching. I was so tired and bored, honestly I was amazed I was even still awake at this point. I just wanted to pass out and sleep for the whole school day until it was time to go home...

"Don't run from your incompatibilities. Master them!" Professor Bitch told us, "I'll be checking your pronunciation regularly from now on,"

I covered my mouth as I yawned, 'So boring...' I thought.

"And if you screw up your L's and R's...I'll punish you with a french kiss in public." Professor Bitch said catching me off guard.

'What did she just say?!?!!?' I exclaimed in my head, jolting upright.

Yep...I was definitely wide awake now. Why'd we have to have English first??


"...And there you have it. Expect some disruption today, though your classes should remain unaffected." Mr. Karasuma told us, "Carry on as you usually do."

I beamed a bit. What Mr. Karasuma told us about the little bet he was involved in sounded like tons of fun. I totally wanted to try doing something like that too, because why should the teachers have all the fun,

"Oh, Mr. Karasuma!" Professor Bitch called out from across the feild.

The whole classes head's turned as Professor Bitch ran up to Mr. Karasuma with a thermo in hand,

"Great work today! You must be thirsty! Have a nice cold drink!" She told him.

I stared at her in disbelief, 'She's gotta be joking...' I thought

"Go on, knock it right back! It's delicious!" Professor Bitch told him, holding up the thermi's lid.

'There's definitely something in there...' I thought.

Mr. Karasum sighed and said, "Look, I wouldn't even let you get close enough to give it to me." He told her.

Professor Bitch tried another lame trick, like falling on her face then asking Mr. Karasuma for help, but obviously he wasn't born yesterday and he just walked away. I almost felt bad for her. Poor Professor Bitch...


At lunch I sat with Kayano, Nagisa and Karma. I was half eating half dozing off when Karma said,

"Hey, Check it out, Nagisa."

Of course we all looked. Kayano was the one who spoke up,

"Yea, Mr. Karasuma eats lunch there a lot." Kayano said.

I put my head back in my hand,

"Seems lonely..." I commented

"And look now, Professor Bitch is going for it!" Karma said.

I got curious and got up to peer out the window along with Kayano and Nagisa to see Professor Bitch totally become a badass! She trip wired him up with a trap and got on top of him with one of our fake knives! It was pretty impressive, but...Mr. Karasuma caught her knife. In a battle of brute strength, unfortunately Professor Bitch would be no match for him. The whole class was watching the scene unfold. Who would win? It was Professor Bitch, Mr. Karasuma let her win, but I wasn't complaining. Good for her! She gets to stay with us! We all clapped for her of course, including myself, and I may have shed some tears, but I had too! She won and so I had to cry tears of joy to show how happy I was for her!

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