"Then what's your plan here? Why are you following Jacob? And I know you are. I could smell you as soon as his ship docked."

"I'm not doing nothing!" Fingers spat back. "I'm just keeping an eye on my goods."

"But he's not yours anymore!" Sally shouted back, getting annoyed with Fingers' attitude.

"Maybe not at the moment," Fingers said with a shrug.

Sally lifted her finger ready to issue another threat but then paused.

Goblins were greedy money grabbing tricksters. But they were also cowards and so liked to keep their hands clean. It was therefore unlikely that he would just steal Raephier.

Sally took a step back and tried a different tactic.

"Jacob's on his way to see you. He's figured out that Raephier won't be able to help him."

Sally watched as a brief flicker of glee flashed in Fingers' eyes.

"He's fairly angry," Sally added, wondering why the coward looked so calm.

"I told ya he'd soon belong to me again."

"What do you mean? Ohhhhh," Sally said, suddenly making sense of everything. "You're going to offer to buy him back."

"Of course," Fingers answered with a look of pride. "At a reduced price of course."

"Oh you thieving, conniving, disgusting piece of filth!" Sally spat out. "But your plan is about to be ruined I'm afraid."

For the first time, the grin disappeared from Fingers' face.

"You can't do that! I ain't done nothing wrong. We 'ad an agreement!"

Many years ago when their paths had first crossed, they had agreed to stay out of each other's way. It didn't do good for magical beings to interact. The more they did, the more likely they were to be discovered.

"Oh, I ain't gonna do anything, Jacob's going to do it for me!"

"What do ya mean?" Fingers growled.

"Go and find him, and you'll see," Sally said, before starting to walk away.

"You better not meddle!" Fingers shouted after her. "You're not the only one with magic you know!"

Sally stopped and turned around.

"It'd be worth you remembering your place Muki! I won't interfere in your transactions. But just be warned, if any harm comes to either Jacob or Raephier, you'll feel it twice over. You hear me?"

Finger's wisely stayed silent. Sally turned and smiled. He knew he was no match for a Sea witch.

Sally hung around town watching and waiting.

It wasn't long before Jacob tracked Fingers down. Or maybe Fingers tracked Jacob down.

Sally stayed far enough away so they wouldn't be alerted to her presence, but close enough that she could overhear their conversation.

Being a Sea Witch, Sally had superior hearing. It was nothing like it was under the sea, but she could easily zone in on a conversation a mere 50 yards away.

"Ah, I 'ear you've been looking for me," Fingers said.

"You sold me a lie," Jacob spat at him, clearly annoyed.

"'ang on, don't you be jumping to conclusions. I sold you a weapon. Ain't my fault if you can't use it."

"It's not something I can learn to use!" Jacob said, his voice getting louder, "it's a living breathing thing with its own thoughts and opinions! I can't make him do something he doesn't want to."

The Song of the Seaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें