Chapter 22: Deep Trouble

Start from the beginning

The match continues and both the teams perform well. Now I try to avoid looking at Adrien, no matter how good he plays. Because that's what I have to do: Avoid him until these crazy feelings go away just as they came.

Our college has lead, but the opponents are chasing the score quickly. It doesn't take long before both the teams are at a tie. At last remaining seconds of fourth quarter, Trent manages to snatch the ball from Spring Hill and throws a long pass to Adrien. It's a make or break moment.

My resolve to avoid Adrien crumbles when he puts the ball in basket with an astonishing dunk. It was amazing! The whole crowd goes berserk. I stand with them and applaud as the buzzer goes off announcing the end of game.

Glimmering dark eyes look into mine from distance, their owner holding a face-splitting grin. I'm captivated. My heart thuds when he winks before turning his attention back to his team.

"Yeah, he definitely wants you," whispers Jane in my ear. My smile drops.

I'm in deep trouble.


Electric lights cast beams over the drunk crowd and some EDM plays in the background making people sway to its beats and drops. I am sitting at the bar with Areum, Jaxon and Zaid, chatting and drinking some spicy cocktail.

To celebrate their win against Spring Hill, Trent suggested to go to a club, and along with the team others joined too. I didn't refuse when he asked me to tag along. Club night seemed fun and I was tired of denying myself fun because of a certain asshole. 

The same asshole who is sitting at the other table with one of his teammates and has numerous strange girls flocking around him. I refuse to let my gaze wander to him though, giving him my back, even when I feel his eyes on me every second or so. Instead, I watch my friends on the dance floor.

Going by the big grin on Trent's face, he is immensely enjoying dancing with Mashika. Leena has come too and right now she's grinding against our Captain Logan, who looks like he is on cloud nine. Rest of the guys on basketball team and others from 'Fashion Buzz' side are also mingling.

"My man is already whipped," Zaid comments, looking at Logan and Leena. 

"Logan really likes her," I agree, taking a light sip from my glass and following his sight.

"Like?" Zaid scoffs. "He's been worshiping Leena ever since she tutored him for a couple of months during their freshman year. The only reason half of the basketball is in this fashion show because Leena fluttered her pretty eyelashes and asked Logan."

I chuckle. "Then we should thank her. She knew what she was doing by bringing you guys in to model."

Zaid grunts and takes a sip of his non-alcoholic drink. I turn to Areum and find her arguing with Jaxon over hot-dogs and hamburgers. I think before they were debating over their choices of drinks. 

"Hey," someone says and all the conversation at our table stops. I look up to find a man smiling down at me. He looks about our age but I haven't seen him before. "I'm Liam," he introduces himself, "I saw you when you came here and I think you're really pretty. Uhm... Can I buy you a drink?"

Am I being hit on?

I point at myself to make sure Liam is talking to me, not Zaid. You never know. He nods. Ok...

"She's with a guy and you're hitting on her," chimes Zaid before I can respond, "Liam, that's not a smart move to approach girls."

"You two don't look like boyfriend girlfriend," Liam argues, sounding disheartened.

"We are not," I agree, narrowing my eyes at Zaid, who is looking behind me. I can talk for myself.

"Then you won't mind taking me up on that offer." Liam gives a lopsided grin even though he's clearly nervous. I understand approaching strangers can be daunting. I can't even imagine myself doing it. I want to let him down gently.

"Someone else will," Zaid coughs but I ignore him and smile at Liam.

"I'm very flattered Liam, but you see-"

"She's not interested." An all familiar deep voice rumbles from behind me, shooting shivers down my spine. A large hand lands on my shoulder as if staking its claim on me. "She's already taken."


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