Chapter 7: Leash On The Devil

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Adrien looks surprised finding me here. The feeling is mutual. This is the last place I expect to see him. Trent, Logan, Zaid and another guy that was with them last night are also here.

"Leena doesn't do her job half-assed," Mashika comments, ogling the boys.

All of them look like they want to be anywhere but here, except Trent who is sporting a wide grin at Mashika. I feel their curious glances on me, especially Adrien's.

"Welcome boys," Jeffrey greets them and they grunt in response other than Trent who waves at all of us. That boy is always excited. "It looks like Leena sent us half of the basketball team." Jeffrey grins. "I must say quite a feat."

"A feat she managed because our captain's got a crush," Zaid grunts sullenly and Logan glares at him to shut up. Other three looks unimpressed and Jeffrey's grin widens.

"Now that all of us are here why don't we introduce ourselves?" Mashika suggests, dispersing the tension.

"I expected more people," Adrien comments, his eyes wandering over the very small crowd present here. They stay on me a little longer before straying. "Is this it?"

"For now, yes," she answers, "but Leena's working to get more students on board. Don't worry by next week we'll have lots of people. You guys have the honor of joining us first." Her enthusiasm isn't shared by other people in the room, except Trent. She clears her throat awkwardly before gesturing us to introduce ourselves.

The girls in team besides Mashika and me are Julie, Sandra and Areum. Julie is a junior in Mechanical Engineering, whereas Sandra and Areum are Jeffrey's classmates. I learn the other guy's name with the boys is Jaxon and he's in same course as Logan.

We all settle on the front row as Mashika and Jeffrey take over the reins. Somehow I find myself sitting between Adrien and Logan. I want to vanish from here. I would walk out of the theater by now if Mashika didn't look at us with so much hope.

One thing I find and this devil has to ruin it too.

I am too much aware of Adrien's presence next to me. His body heat permeates through my skin, burning me up. His scent that is a mixture of some expensive cologne and traces of his unique muskiness overwhelms me. It's hard to focus on what Jeffrey is saying when all my attention is on the light taps of his finger on our shared handrest.

"So you're going to model?" Adrien whispers in my ear, his cool breath stroking my red cheeks. I don't miss the taunt in his tone.

My fist on my lap tightens. "No." I don't add further.

He hums. "Makes sense. For a minute I was scared I might have to walk next to you."

"Well, now you don't have to worry about it!" I hiss, keeping my voice low. "Believe me, last thing I want is to share a stage with you."

I feel his gaze piercing my skull. "Who you're trying to fool Peppa? You won't be getting on that stage with or without me. Now we don't want to repeat last year's embarrassment, do we?... I'm sure you're going to stumble off the stage if you try the ramp walk."

My cheeks flame. Of course, he has to remind me of last year. I finally turn to him. "Are you making a documentary of my life? From what I remember I didn't ask you to." I mock him. "Maybe you should find a better hobby than obsessing over me or my past."

"Obsessed," he scoffs, "do you really think someone like me will ever go for a fat girl like you?" His eyes roam over my face. "Don't be delusional."

Adrien's words are like a stab to my soul, but I manage to keep my strong facade. "I don't want an insufferable jerk like you either."

"I know Peppa. Your type is a whore like Raphael, just like yourself. Opening your legs for anyone who shows little attention-"

"Shut up Augustine!" Logan snaps from beside me.

Suddenly I realize our faces are closer than necessary and I move away. We both turn to look at Logan. He's glaring at Adrien.

"Stop bothering her, you've said enough!" Logan reprimands him. Adrien's about to say something but Logan stops him. "I know you got a loose mouth but there are limits. There's only so long I can listen to your shit without getting involved.

"I thought this animosity between you and Harper was for shits and giggles. But damn it! I can't believe this is how you treat her. It's insane."

"Then don't get involved. It's between her and me," Adrien mutters but I notice his voice lacks its usual sharp edge.

Logan glares him down, and surprisingly he backs away. But I didn't miss the tick of his jaw. He's barely holding himself from snapping.

So there is someone who can put a leash on this devil.

"I apologize for him Harper," Logan says to me, his tone gentle, complete opposite of what he used on Adrien.

I look at him surprised. The soft expression on his face looks odd on his scary persona."You don't have to apologize." I try to smile. I feel Adrien's gaze burning hole into my head from other side.

"Do you guys have anything you want to share?" Mashika's voice bring me back to the meeting. She's smiling in our direction but it's not friendly.

I suddenly notice other people in the theater are staring at us three too. It seems we disturbed the meeting. I didn't even listen what they were discussing about.

"No, you can continue," Logan tells her, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

Mashika narrows her eyes at him. It looks like she wants to say something but holds her tongue and resumes the meeting. "So, like I said Harper will take care of them." She gestures at me. "Do you have any problem Harper?" She asks me.

"No, I'm good," I reply without a pause, not having any idea what she wants me to take care of.

Next Jeffrey talks about when our event will most likely be scheduled. He expects it on the last day of fest. Then we all discuss about the themes. After going over cowboy, rock 'n roll, 60s, we all settle on space theme. It was Trent's idea. Out of the boys, he's the most active participant.

Adrien stays quite for rest of the talk. He's angry but Logan's glare makes him behave. It's pretty interesting to know that there is someone who he fears... No, not fear, I guess the better word is respect. I don't see fear in his eyes for Logan.

Still, even knowing that this jerk can respect anyone is shocking in itself. From what I've seen of him, he has no regard for professors or our seniors. Logan must've somehow proved himself to him.

"Harper, can I talk to you for a second?" Mashika calls me once the meeting is over.

I get up from my seat and go to her. "What's up?"

"As you know I'm handing you the responsibility for guys' clothes. You have to work on their makeup and hairstyles too." I nod as though I know everything. "I called you here to let you know we have to start the shopping by next week. By then we'll have the confirmed numbers with us.

"You have to take the guys with you to get their outfits. We have a tight budget, and going by Leena's words I have big hope that you can deliver great outfits under it."

"I'll do my best," I assure her, internally dreading that one of the guys I have to deal with is Adrien.

"Get your phone number and email ID noted with Jeffrey. We have to create a group and we'll go over the budget there."

I keep nodding.

"Oh, and you can pick someone to help you, aside from Julie. She's with me... I think that's it. If I have something else I'll text you." With that she frees me and calls Julie next.

My eyes slide back to Adrien and find him giving his contact details to Jeffrey. I groan internally. I have to buy clothes for my bully. Probably do his hair and makeup too.

Life can't get weirder than this...


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