Chapter 1: Devil Reincarnate

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"Ms. Young, your order is ready!"

My fingers typing on laptop's keyboard stop and I slip out of my seat to get to the counter.

The aroma of hot coffee reaches my nose as I get near the barista and my mouth waters. I had to skip breakfast this morning because I woke up late for my class. It's almost noon now and my stomach is growling to fill it.

"Here's your cappuccino and one small pizza," the girl behind the counter says, handing me my food. "Enjoy your food."

The sight of my favorite coffee and cheesy mushroom pizza lifts my mood instantly. I'm so hungry. "Thanks." I smile and receive one from the barista girl, before walking back to my table.

I mindlessly stare at the large glass wall which gives the view of busy street outside while sipping my cappuccino, choosing to ignore work. The assignment on my laptop can wait for a while. Wednesday mornings are usually busy for me because of the three continuous classes without any break, starting right from 7 am. So now that I'm done I just want to relax and enjoy my food.

The bell at the door chimes announcing the arrival of new customer and my eyes inadvertently move to it.

No! Why the hell is he here?!

My plan for relaxing meal collapses as Adrien Augustine strolls in with his buddy Trent Reid. My appetite dies and is replaced by the need to just vanish from here, away from him.

I look down, trying to avoid his eyes and praying that he doesn't notice me. But the moment I feel two burning holes at the side of my head, I knew I've been caught. I finally look up and find pair of dark eyes staring back. I see the corner of Adrien's lips lift up and eyes glint with mischief, like a predator who found its prey.

Trent is behind him, placing their order. Once he's done, he sees me too and then they both start walking toward me, killing any chance of me having my coffee and pizza in peace.

I can't have a good day, can I?

"What a pleasant surprise to find you here," Adrien says, his shadow clouding over me, "but I'll admit I'm not too surprised. Little Peppa has to fill herself somewhere."

"Go away," I mutter, not meeting his eyes.

"I thought we were friends Harper," Trent chimes, "don't you want us to join you?"


"Now, you're breaking my fragile heart." Good.

Adrien takes the chair beside me and Trent sits on the one across as though I just didn't refuse them.

"Mind if I have a bite?" Trent asks and takes the slice of my pizza before I can reply. T-that's my food...

"You're quick," Adrien comments and I realize that he's sitting too close to me. He has my laptop and is going through the assignment I was working on. "You have already started on Mr. Bailey's project."

"Give me my laptop." I reach for the laptop but Adrien pushes it to the other end of table. "What is your problem?" I whine, glaring at him.

"You." His scorching gaze forces me to lower my eyes. I hate backing down this easily but he's scary. "You are my problem. Haven't you learned that already Peppa?"

I scowl at the table hearing his name for me. Peppa. He took it from the cartoon show Peppa Pig, subtly comparing me to pigs. My childhood memories of actually enjoying the show are ruined because of him. He's such a jerk.

"I haven't done anything to you to be your problem," I counter.

"You exist. That's a problem enough."

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