Chapter 14: Back To Bully

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I drop the bundle of aluminium foils on the table that Mashika asked me to bring this morning. They're required for stage decoration and costumes. She's running late because she has a class, so I volunteered to buy them on my way to the Art theater.

Jeffrey, who is coloring a big sphere at the center of stage, thanks me. "Send me the receipt, I'll transfer you money," he adds.

I nod and walk to the boys that are waiting for me down the stage. Girls are downstairs too, busy in some discussion lead by Sandra. On my way, I wave at Areum, letting her know I've come and she can join me when she's free.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves as I approach the guys. Among them is Adrien. I felt his gaze the moment I stepped inside the theater, but this time I refuse to let my eyes wander to him. The embarrassment of what happened between us at the party is still high and I can't bring myself to look at him. However, the more I resist, the more I feel the heat on my body from his intense stare. It feels as though he's demanding me to look back at him.

When I stand in front of the guys, I finally give in. Blood rushes to my cheeks as I meet his dark eyes and I'm taken back to that dark room where his hands were on my hair and his lips pressed against mine. With the way he's looking at me, I have a hunch he's thinking the same. 

"What's on the agenda today?" Ryan asks, making me tear my gaze from Adrien.

"Not much from me," I tell him, "I'll work with the clothes that we bought for you guys with Sandra and Areum." On Sunday Areum and I took the three freshmen to the city to get them clothes and accessories for the show. Now only Adrien, Logan and Zaid are left. We have scheduled their shopping on the coming Saturday. 

"You guys are supposed to start practicing ramp walk with Mashika," I inform the boys. "She'll be late today. Till she comes, you can help Jeffrey with the stage decorations."

They grunt and shuffle toward the stage to work with Jeffrey. I am too aware of Adrien when he passes by my side. Goosebumps rise all over my body when his shoulder almost brushes against mine. Ughh!

Stop paying attention to this jerk Harper!

I walk to the backstage and take out a couple of clothes and glittery decorations from the large wooden cupboard at the corner. Sandra and I already discussed on texts about the costumes' design.

I settle on a desk next to the cupboard and start with Max's coat, adding star-shaped mini mirrors on its collar with super glue. The work is monotonic so my mind keeps drifting back to Adrien, back to our kiss. It has been happening a lot since that cursed night, and frankly now I'm getting tired of it. It happened on Saturday and today is Tuesday. Three nights of sleep didn't help me to blur even a little bit of memory of the incident. It is still very much fresh in my mind.

Adrien and I haven't exchanged a word neither in person nor on texts since the party. He's been keeping his distance from me. He hasn't bullied me or called me names, instead choosing to burn me with his stare from afar.

A part of me is relieved that he's not interacting with me, while the other is miffed by it too. He kissed me and now he's the one acting like a little twerp, pulling a kiss and run on me. I bet he regrets kissing me, probably even disgusted by it.

My heart clenches at the thought of him disgusted by me. It hurts even when I try to reason in my head that his opinions about me shouldn't matter. His insults - fat, whale, and whatnot- assault my mind, chipping at my insecurities about my body.

I can't believe I kissed that asshole.

My phone buzzes and I see a text from Raphael. We had exchanged numbers on Saturday night when he dropped me to my dorm after the party. We have also added each other on social media.

An unconscious smile appears on my lips as I read his message.

"Just out of the class. Was planning to take you out for that long due coffee but Mashika says you'll be busy right now :("

"Yeah, I'm very busy sprinkling sparkles and glitters on clothes :("

"Sounds like a hard work."

A chuckle slip past me. "It's a very hard work."

"So how about I take you out this Friday, of course to treat you for your hard work?"

"Sounds like a plan." I reply, unable to keep a grin off my face.

"A perfect plan." Shortly another text from him arrives. "I'm going to stop distracting you from your hard work. Since our date is postponed I'm going to catch up with some friends. Talk to you later :)"

"Have fun :)"

I keep my phone down and resume with decorating coat, smiling to myself. I hum Taylor Swift under my breath as I glue the small mirrors on the satin coat. Thanks to Raphael my mind is now diverted to him and our date.

My humming stops when I hear footsteps. I look up to find Adrien and Zaid coming in. I immediately look down and work to look busy. I hear them shuffling around the room, letting me know they are looking for something. I try to ignore them.

"Are you guys looking for something?" I finally ask after seeing them going through the same chest for the third time.

"Jeffrey is asking for lights," Zaid replies, "do you have any idea where they are?"

"Why don't you look in the cupboard?"

"Cupboard is for clothes. Jeffrey said to look in the trunks," Zaid says.

"So many people are working, things can get misplaced."

From corner of my eyes I see Adrien coming toward me and I stiffen. He opens the cupboard right next to my desk and starts searching inside it. Zaid joins him too.

"They're here," Adrien says and I realize it's been over two days since I heard his annoying voice. "Take it to Jeffrey." He hands a carton to Zaid, who walks away with it.

Adrien fumbles inside and a second later clothes come tumbling down as he tries to pull out another carton.

"Shit," he grumbles, glaring at the fabrics lying on floor. He bends down and starts picking them up.

"Hey, you have to fold them," I scold him when I see him carelessly shoving the clothes back inside the cupboard.

He looks at me, brows furrowed, like he can't believe I just talked to him. Well I wasn't interested in talking to him either, but you don't mess with the clothes that I took time to fold and place neatly on the racks.

"What dumb person keeps clothes all over the carton?" He gruffs.

"The person who wants to utilize the space properly so other things can be kept inside too," I retort. "You could've just moved clothes to the side and then take out your carton. Now fold them."

Adrien puts the clothes on my desk and stands tall, crossing his arms. "I'm not folding them. You're a girl, you fold them."

I gape at him. "W-what kind of logic is that?"

He shrugs, making me angry. "I was keeping them back, it's you who has the problem."

I glare at him which is pretty nonsensical because of our height difference, and me sitting exacerbates it even more. I have to crane my neck. "You're the one who messed them!"

Adrien's face is passive, but I don't miss the amusement gleaming in his eyes as he looks back. "And you can be the one to put them back. I know my Peppa can do it. You did it once. Do it again."

I stand up. "Gosh, you're such an asshole!"

His deadpan expression finally falters and he smirks as leans down to my face level. Blush rises on my cheeks and my skin feels hot. "Your asshole, Peppa. Your asshole. Don't forget that."

With that he picks up the carton and walks away, leaving the mess behind for me.

Looks like someone's back to being a stupid bully.


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