The doctor simply nodded and followed Taehyung into the office. Jimin was still unconscious on the couch. The doctor went to work immediately and began checking him up. After a while, he was done and his countenance didn't seem good.

Taehyung noticed his down cast mood.

"What's wrong? Is it what we are suspecting?"

"Definitely. He has to be isolated immediately or he will infect the others"

Taehyung nodded his head and grabbed Jimin's hand stroking it softly. The doctor brought out a pill from his brief case.

"Make sure he takes this after five hours. He should be fine by tomorrow"

Taehyung took the pill and bowed his head. "Thank you"

The doctor injected Jimin with something then looked at Taehyung.

"He should wake up any moment from now but you should be aware that his fever is going to be very high during the night. It would be a very difficult time for him so you have to be with him at all times"

"You should be careful as well"

Taehyung smiled. " I will doctor. Thank you so much"

He escorted the doctor out after paying his bill and when he returned, Jimin was rousing from consciousness. Taehyung went and stayed beside him as Jimin sat up on the couch holding his head.

"What happened to me?" He whispered.

"You have the red flu but you'll be alright after taking the medicine but for now, you have to be in isolation"

Jimin bit his lips. "But you have to stay away from me or you'll catch it too. The nurses can take care of me..."

He lowered his eyes. "you don't have to force yourself to stay behind"

Taehyung stared at Jimin. His eyes flashed with anger as he began to tap his foot restlessly.

"You think I'm forcing myself? Now, why on earth would I do that? Why are you always questioning my actions? Can't I just decide to be good to you?"

Jimin said nothing avoiding his face. Taehyung drew a long deep sigh. He couldn't believe he was angry just because Jimin was doubting him. Why did he care so much? He ran his hand over his hair in agitation.

"Just stay put and let me take care of you"

He shifted and Jimin shrieked a bit when Taehyung unexpectedly carried him in his arms. They were so close. So he could balance well, Jimin wrapped his arm around Taehyung's neck, his face burning and it was definitely not because of the disease.

"You're going to catch it" he whispered.

"Then you'll take care of me too. won't you?"

Jimin didn't respond. He shyly pressed his head against Taehyung's chest so he wouldn't have to look him in the face.

They came outside and Taehyung instructed the nurses to set up a room for Jimin to get treated. They did as he said and prepared a room for him. Taehyung laid Jimin on the bed and tucked him in.

Jimin wasn't as sick as before and after five hours, Taehyung brought him a simple porridge to eat but Jimin barely ate it. Taehyung eventually gave him the medicine but after some minutes, Jimin experienced a very harsh fever. He was shaking furiously, his teeth clattering as he hugged the sheets closer to his body.

"How are you feeling?" Taehyung asked. He felt Jimin's forehead and discovered it was burning hot. Taehyung began to feel scared for Jimin's health due to how much he was shivering. After a while, he decided to call a nurse to check on him but just as he got up to leave, he felt a strong tug in his hand.

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