"Don't be mistaken I was only there to deliver the beverages" saying this he left.

Did you really come to only deliver the beverages...? This person is really weird.


"Did you buy this ice cream for me?"

"Yeah" " Eat up fast and then we will go home today was really hectic I am tired".

"Why? Yue let's stay and play for a little more" Shu demanded.

"First you scared the heck out of me then well fell in water, then all of this do you really think that I will have any energy left after all of these?"

"Well, I am in the worst shape"
He pulled up his shirt. There was a footprint on his belly.
"Just look at what you did to my handsome abs"
"I think the footprint really looks pretty".

"Enough taking gather all of your things and we will return home "

"Aww, you are no fun"

"Do what I say or do you want another footprint?"

"I am doing, please don't beat me"

We returned home at 1pm.

"Let's play some games Yue to pass time"


We passed our time playing games until evening. And just like usual Shu lost 10 times. He is really bad at playing games.

"Shu, Yue" grandma called us.

"Yes grandma" we both answered at the same time.

"We are all gonna have BBQ today and grandpa already gathered all the materials needed for it at the roof top"

"You both go there I and grandpa will be joining you later, and eat as much as you can there's plenty of food" .

"These looks so delicious" I said. My mouth was watering already while looking at all the food. And all of them were spicy nothing sweet. I am in heaven. Yay~.

"Hey move your sea food away" "there's sea food flavour on it"

"Oh, and what are you roasting".
"I am roasting marshmallows, after roasting, the outside becomes crunchy while the inside becomes soft. Want to try it? It's delicious.

"No thanks, I don't want to"

"It tastes so much better than your sea food"

"Take that away it looks disgusting " .

"Try it"
"I refuse"

I saw Shu's aunt sitting alone in the swing.

"Why is your aunt sitting there alone?" I asked.
"Oh that old hag likes to sit alone at night in the swing " Shu replied.

"Don't say like that I'm gonna go and give her some BBQ"

"Do whatever you want"

I sat beside her and gave her some BBQ.

If it's Shu's aunt, then I should call her...
"Au.. "
"Just call me big sister"

"... Okay..."

"Thinking about it how long have you known Shu for?"

"If I count from grade 3 about seven years..."

"Then do you know about his parents?"

"I barely know a little he doesn't mention it much"

"Is that so, as expected, he is still a coward".

"I still vaguely remember when he first came here... he was small and cute. Inside his big large eyes there wasn't a trace of brilliance ".

"I don't know when it started... his character was twisted just like now, watching it makes me feel unwell"

"Ha, ha ha ha" I laughed awkwardly.

"But, seeing you two like this today makes me feel relieved"
"The routes of you two are still long, you don't know what may change in the future so... I'm leaving Shu to you"

"Hurry up and find out out it"

"Find out what?" I asked.

"You will understand in the future. I'm gonna go take a shower ".

"Then, let's talk next time" after that she went to Shu.

"Stinky brat don't waste food"
"None of your business "

"Hurry up and find out..."

What was she referring to?

Everything she said...

In the future on that certain day, will I really be able to understand it?

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Have a wonderful day !

Have a wonderful day !

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