Chapter 010

89 32 14

"Hey! What did you just do!"

What was that. I looked over to see what was happening.

It looked like one girl spilled a ice cream on one of the boys.

"It spilled all over my clothes! It's all sticky now!" The boy said.

"Sorry, I-I will compensate you..."

"Ha? Are you sure you can afford this? This was really expensive."

"If you are willing to play with us then I can pretend this didn't happen" the boy beside him said.

The people there know that they're hitting on the girl, but no one's helping?

"Sigh- ah... so annoying. I grabbed my tissue box and went towards them.

"Just playing with us will make up for this one clothing. This request doesn't count as ridiculous".

I put the tissue box in front of him.

"Oh? what is that?"

"For you if your shirt's dirty, then you can clean it with a tissue right?" I said.

"Where did this tiny kid come from? Go go, don't join in on adult's things".

"But looking again this kid does looks pretty cute. If you want to go with us instead of her then sure ".

"What?" "I refuse"

"Don't reply so quick, think about it"

"Please wait a second" Another boy came.
"I have some business with her" He was one of the ice cream shop assistants.

"This beverage you ordered "

"Oh... thanks... " I said.

"Please pay at the front of the store"

...Is he giving me a reason to get away from here...?

"Whatever, who cares about this weirdo anyway let's go play" saying this that weird boy wrapped his hand around me.

"Hey let go"

"What's wrong let's go play~"

"Please let go of me"

"Don't be shy come with big brother and play..."

"Like I said..." now I was super pissed off.

"LET GO OF ME!" I pulled his hand and kneed him on his stomach. All the others standing around me looked at me stunned.
"Wah! Are you okay?! Wake up!! Are you a monster?!" His friend said.

"Uh... I already told him to let go... looks like I hit him too hard"

"You bad girl! Watch how I am going to deal with you. Hateful" he again got up.

My face lit up as I saw Shu stand behind him.

"Hey" Shu said.


"Hello there"

"W-who are you? What do you want..." he was trembling.

"Ahhh, me? I'm her friend"
"So if you want to go play, take me along with you big~ bro~ther"

"Crap! Meeting you weirdoes today is me being unlucky! I don't want to be with you rare species of people".

"Come back! Believe me or not, I'll beat you up". They ran off.


"Hey" the assistant from the shop called. He was still there.

"Your beverages "
"Earlier for helping to get us out of trouble..."

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