(F/N): Well let's start from the top. Right now your at the infirmary at Beacon Academy. As for who I am?... Well ill tell you as soon as you tell me who you are. I've been backstabbed before and I don't plan on it happening again. So I'm sorry about that, I'm just trying to play things safe. And well as you can tell, your here because you're severely injured.

The hooded figure would slowly nod still winching in pain a little as it started to subside.

???: T-That's fine... I completely.. understand your suspicions about me.

The figure would then chuckle a little before slowly lowering the hood they had on. You could see that the figure was a man in his late 30s. They looked like a mess with their dark scarlet hair messily put into a ponytail as they had a pretty bad unkempt stubble of facial hair on their face. They were wearing some glasses and look like they have just been through hell and back multiple times.

???: This... should make things a bit friendlier right?

The man said before smiling softly as you were taken off guard by that. But as they did that the feeling of familiarity and warmth came back as you were confused.

???: Still... I can't believe I finally made it... after months and months of traveling and fighting for my life... I... I finally made it.

The man said looking down as they seemed pretty happy. But you were still suspicious of them until they looked up at them.

???: Hey... u..uhm... this might be weird to ask... I'm looking for some people here... Does the name Olivia ring a bell?

As soon as you hear the man mention your sister's name something triggers in you. Materializing a couple hundred swords, daggers, lances, and axes you would point all of them at the man. Looking at them with a death glare as the man put their hands up in fear and shock. Unsure about this reaction coming from you as you spoke up sounding a little hostile now.

(F/N): How do you know that name?... ANSWER ME!?

Scared for their life they would answer immediately

???: R-Relax okay! I'm just trying to reunite with my family... It's been months since I've last seen them. I know some of them are here if everything went the way we wanted it to... I just... I want to see my daughter again, okay...

The man said before looking down slowly a bit saddened as they slowly put their hands down. Hearing them call Olivia their daughter would take you by surprise. The weapons you materialized slowly disappearing as you didn't know what to think.

(F/N): W..What is your name?...

The man would look at you confused before you asked them again sounding a bit more demanding as you looked down.

(F/N): I said what is your name!?

The man a bit scared again would answer.

???: I-Its Ancell sir! Ancell Scarlet!

Hearing them finally tell you their name put the final nail in the coffin. You would feel yourself look at them in shock as your started to cry. Looking away from him a little as you put a couple of fingers to the stream of tears that were beginning to flow as the man looked at you a bit more confused. Wiping your tears away as you tried to stay composed. You weren't fully sure if it was your father or not. So recollecting yourself you would ask something only the real Ancell would know.

(F/N): A-Alright Ancell... What's your real last name?

Ancell would look at you confused, worried, and concerned. Before chuckling a little from what you just asked them.

A New Journey (RWBY Harem x Powerful Male Reader) *Very Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now