
The ride to the hospital I was completely miserable, it felt like my body was ripping apart. I just wanted her out now, but at the same time I was scared cause it wasn't time for her to come, I had just made 35 weeks and she would be considered premature. Once we made it to the hospital Dave helped me inside the hospital and all I heard was, "We need help! My girl is in labor!" He hollered out. Nurses surrounded me and got me a wheelchair and wheeled me to the back. Dave did my paperwork and followed behind me, another contraction hit and I let out a high pitched scream. Once they got us in what was gonna be our room the had me change into the hospital gown. When I had that on they connected all these bands around my belly and then all you could hear was Khari's heartbeat. I laid in the bed and Dave hovered over me, he kissed me on my forehead repeatedly. The doctors came in and checked me, I was 4 centimeters dilated. I had a natural birth with Kairi and Kam but I also wasn't pushing 30 like I am now.
I laid there trying to calm myself down, Dave reached down to touch my stomach. "Dont touch me, don't touch me." I said almost in tears again.
I told them that I wanted to do a water birth, something that was discussed months prior. They told me that they would get the tub ready in the room, I didn't wanna do it around a bunch of people. I wanted something intimate with just me , Dave and my doctor. There was a knock on the door and the nurse said that I had visitors and behind her was Brooke, August, my mom and dad with Kairi and to my surprise Queen and Clarence were there. Seeing all them and knowing they were here to support my made me feel good about this delivery. They all waved at me, but seeing Kairi made me smile. That little girl is truly my heart, she's helped mold me into the woman I am today. I know I looked terrible, I managed to put my hair up in a messy bun. They closed the door and as soon as it shut I had a contraction.. I closed my eyes tightly and held onto the railing on the bed. It lasted for about 45 seconds and I wanted to cry, but my blood pressure was already an issue during this pregnancy so I didn't wanna make it worse.  This continued for about another 2 hours and the next time the doctor came in to check me I was now 9 centimeters. Once they saw that it was almost time they tried to coach me and Dave, he helped me out of the bed and I took the gown off as Dave took off his shirt. He had on some basketball shorts so he took off his shoes and socks, he stepped in the tub and sat down. I was left in my bra and I stepped in the tub, I sat in between his legs and leaned back on him. I took deep breathes as he placed both of his hands on my stomach, I closed my eyes as he whispered sweet things in my ear. I had the sudden urge to push, I opened my eyes and felt down there and I felt her head. "She's right there!" I said as the doctor sat in front of me, getting ready. Once he told me that I could push, I did as I was told. And she came out in 3 pushes, I picked her up and placed her on my chest. I heard Dave behind me crying, he repeatedly thanked me. They grabbed her from me and Dave cut the umbilical cord and they took her to clean her off. I felt the urge to push again only this time it was the placenta and everything that came with that.


Once we told them her name and made sure the spelling was correct, Ry went to go take a sponge bath with the help of a nurse. This was a great experience just seeing everything that came with child birth, it was completely different than when Kairi was born. Ry ended up having to get stitches, which was a first. Once she was situated she was back in the hospital bed, they changed rooms for us so when I came back in the room Khari was laying on her chest doing skin to skin. Kairi and her parents came in first to check on us, her moms held Kairi as they looked at the baby while her pops placed his hand on my shoulder. "Congratulations son." he said and I thanked him. "So what's her name?" Miss Simone asked looking at her in awe. "Khari Chanai Brewster." Ryan said. "Her name is like mine." Kai said with a smile. "Almost." I said. The nurse came in and put a little onesie on her and swaddled her. Ry handed her to me, and I just looked at her in awe she looked like her mama with a few of my features. I sat down with her and took a picture, and once her parents told us that they would come visit tomorrow they asked if I wanted to do skin to skin. And of course I said yes, I laid there as we did skin to skin and I looked up and saw Ry crying. "She's so beautiful bae." I said admiring my second daughter.


While Dave did skin to skin with Khari, I was texting my parents letting them know what was going on. I got a notification that babe had posted on his Instagram and I clicked open the app to see what was posted.

 I got a notification that babe had posted on his Instagram and I clicked open the app to see what was posted

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@DaveEast : Khari Chanai Brewster 🧸❤️
                             September 23rd @ 9:13pm

I saw the comments of everyone congratulating us, I smiled cause I now I had 2 kids, 2 girls at that. I was physically exhausted so we let our friends know that we would see them tomorrow. Now I had to try this whole breast feeding thing again, I breast fed Kai until she was almost 1. Babe handed Khari to me and the nurse helped me with her and she latched on good. I was happy with my life and nobody could take me off this cloud that I'm on..

Had to do a little time hop, but congrats Dave & Ry🥳

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