Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait and short chapter! Writer's block has hit me hard, but hopefully it will pass soon. I got an idea for a crossover between Jujutsu Kaisen and my book Secrets of the Past. It will be a standalone so you won't have to read SOTP first to understand the fanfic crossover. Fingers crossed it'll be good and is a sign that the writer's block is on it's way out.

"You are her perfect prince, agreed, bright and bold and comely as any maid could wish. [Valeana] Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons, and a sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. She may not prove as willing as you wish."

"Thank you for your time, Prince Oberyn

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"Thank you for your time, Prince Oberyn. I will let you know when I make a decision." I rose from where I was sitting, waiting for my brother-in-law to stand before walking out of the Great Hall.

I didn't look behind me to see if he was following me outside, I had a lot to think about and the Red Viper was the last thing on my mind. When I exited the Great Hall, I gestured for Kovarro to follow me while I found a secluded area on the castle ramparts for us to talk. Tyrion wasn't in Westeros, he wouldn't arrive on Dragonstone with my army for at least a moon and I needed someone to talk to now. Kovarro was my best option at the moment.

"What happened?" My dothrakhoyi must have seen the perplexed look on my face because he spoke in Dothraki without having to be told this was a private conversation.

"When I was a child, Ser Willem Darry formed an arranged marriage between the Targaryens and Martells. I'm supposed to marry Oberyn." I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts, continuing before Kovarro had a chance to object. "I'm not opposed to this because he is my brother-in-law. I always expected to marry Viserys because that was the Targaryen way. I'm opposed to this because a queen should arrange her own marriage, not let others do it for her."

"Why didn't you know about this until now?" Kovarro leaned his back against the wooden railing, gazing at the bricks in the wall behind me.

"I don't know. Ser Willem never told Viserys or I about this. I only know now because Varys convinced Doran to join my side in the war against Cersei if I went through with the arrangement." If anyone looked up at Kovarro and I, they would think I was watching the people sparring in the courtyard but my attention was elsewhere. I could hear and see what was going on, but I wasn't processing the information.

"I thought Tommen was king." Seven hells I hadn't told Kovarro about that yet.

"He died." I doubted that Kovarro knew about what happened to Cersei's daughter, so I continued my explanation to prevent him from asking unnecessary questions. "The Sand Snakes tried to have Myrcella crowned before Tommen because she is older, but Doran was opposed to it. When Doran sent his guardsmen to bring Myrcella back to Sunspear, one of them killed her. It is unclear whether or not her death was an accident. With no royal children left, the crown passed to Cersei."

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