Tears, Tears and more Tears

Start from the beginning

"Get what? Hermione talk to me!"

I was grateful for the water because my tears blended in with the droplets streaming down my face. "I don't want to be just some casual thing to you Draco. All of this is wrong and I don't want to be something on the side for you. I'm not prepared for it. I don't know what you want from me, but I know I don't want this."

I turn to open the shower curtain but he grabs my arms and pulls me back. "You are not something on the side to me Hermione. I respect you too much for that." He practically growls.

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yeah? Prove it."

"I don't know how you expect me to prove that. You'll just have to take my word."

I sighed. "Right, so what I said to you last night means nothing? You're just going to continue and act like it never happened? I'm not going to take your word for anything Draco because I'm done."

My words clearly stunned him and his lips form into a hard line. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I swallow a lump in my throat before I hesitantly spoke. "It means I don't want you near me again."

I step out of the shower, out of his reach. I grab the nearest towel to me and I wrap it around my now cold and wet body. Before I reach the door I give Draco one more glance and realized it was a mistake. His expression broke my heart. He was so confused and vulnerable looking that I almost wanted to run back into his arms. But no, I couldn't do that. I wasn't going to reduce myself to this anymore, I've been patient with Draco but I feel myself losing faith. I exit the Bathroom feeling emptier than ever.


I raced out of the Head Boy and Girl room once I was dressed and somewhat decent looking. In less than five minutes I found myself desperately knocking on Ginny's room, trying my hardest to fight back the tears that were about to fall.

After what felt like years standing outside, Ginny finally opens up. "Hey Hermione sorry about that, I was going about to head down for Breakfast... oh my goodness are you okay? Come in quickly."

Ginny appeared genuinely worried about what was wrong with me. When she closes the door I practically fall into her arms and I begin to cry my eyes out.

"Oh Hermione whatever is wrong with you, I'm sure it's not worth messing my shirt over. I only just got it clean." Her voice was soft and comforting to my ears. She pushes my untamed hair behind my shoulders. "Tell me what is wrong."

I let out a small laugh as I pull away. "Sorry I cried on your shirt."

"I don't care about that now. I'm more interested in knowing what has upset you. Is it Malfoy? If it is he better prepare to face my wrath." She gives me a kind smile and gestures for me to sit with her on her bed. I sit with her and I wipe away my tears.

"It is about him." I tell her. "I ended whatever what going on between us."

"I'm not sure whether to think if that's a good thing or bad thing. But seeming as you're so upset, I presume it's bad?"

I nod. "Yeah... but it's a lot more complicated than that."

I spill my thoughts and emotions out to Ginny, and I was extremely grateful she sat and listened, never once judged me. Her jaw drops open a couple of times but I didn't mind. I just needed someone to talk to.

"Hold on a second.... Did you just say he followed you into the shower!?" she looked utterly stunned.

I nodded.

"Oh wow. That's weird and really creepy." She mumbles. "Carry on."

"I basically just told him that I was finished. I didn't want to be some side girl to him. He didn't say anything; I think it came as a massive shock to him." I tell her.

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