Key chains pt. 2 (Taehyung)

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"But Taehyung..itwasnotmewhoboughtthekeychains" Jina didn't dare look up to Taehyung.

"Huh?" Taehyung was now confused, "But I saw-"

"Yes Tae you did see me putting those key chains in your locker, but I am not the who bought them.."

Jina by now had tears in her eyes. She knew it was very pathetic and childish of her to cry right now but she couldn't help it.

The moment Taehyung saw tears in her eyes he pulled her into arms. She hugged him and spilled all the emotions bottled up within her. It hurt Taehyung to see the always cheerful girl so miserable now, but he let her cry. He continued soothing her, gently swaying them from left to right.

"Its okay baby, cry it out."

"No its not okay Taehyung!" She let out with a sob, "You have been mistaken..I told you just now that I wasn't the one who bought those key chains"

She expected him to push her away, scream at her and so on. But he didn't. He just tightened his arms around her.

"So?" That was all came out of his mouth.

Pulling herself away, she muttered with a confused expression, "So? Tae I didn't do anything. I do like you but I didn't-"

Taehyung laughed and pulled her into a hug again, "Yes I know baby it was not you, but if you thought that I will be developing feelings for someone just because of mere gifts, you are completely wrong love." Pulling away but still hands on her slim waist he continued, "I am not a materialistic person sweetheart, I rather care more about the personality and actions of the person I like. And you are one whom I choose, you are clumsy, sweet, caring, not really bothered about what the others think you, most importantly you are YOU..I like you a lot Choi Jina"

Taehyung was breathing heavily now. Jina stood there, dumbstruck.

"Y-You like ME. Oh god oh god what am I supposed to do-" She was going bonkers by now.

"Baby you are hyperventilating.. just breath okay? In and out..slowly.."

Her breathing was more calm now. "So now, what's your answer?

"What's your question?"

'The heck? Is she bipolar or something?'

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She stopped herself from hyperventilating again. 'If he's so sure about dating me and I like him too, there shouldn't be a problem right?'

"Yes" She looked up to his eyes and found nothing but admiration. Taehyung grinned from ear to ear and pulled her into a kiss.

Her lips were soft and tasted cherry, as expected. It was a blissful moment for both of them. Jina felt as if she was on cloud 9 right now. But unfortunately, it had to end. Both of them parted away, breathing heavily. Both of them let out a laugh and pulled each other into their arms.

"Um so.."

Taehyung hummed in response.

"Can we finally get out of the closet?"

"Oh shit! I am so sorry. I didn't realise it"

Once they came out Jina smiled at him, "Its okay Tae, I liked it. It was our own little bubble."


"Move you morons, they have come out!"

"Ow! Hyung watch where you are putting your leg"

"Stop making noise you douche-bags! They can probably hear us by now"


"Or maybe not" Taehyung let out with a dry laugh, "Come out all of you, we have no interest in looking at your butts that you have showcased towards us..I must say your hiding talent is really awful"

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