Hot Chocolate (Jungkook)

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He despised it. Despised would be an understatement. He hated it. Period. End of story.

Jungkook hated the winter season. Walking on the pavement under the Seoul lights, draped in multiple clothing he felt like he was suffocating, to say the least. Hence, he attempted to take off his muffler. The moment he took off the muffler from his neck, the chilly winter wind blew by, leaving him frozen to the bone. Thus, making him wrap the muffler around his neck, again.

After few minutes, he reattempted taking off the muffler, ending up facing the same result as earlier. This pattern went on for about 50 times, ending up unsuccessful at all the attempts.

After the 50 th attempt he was infuriated, almost tossing the muffler away, when the item of clothing was grabbed by someone else.

"How dare you.. you ungrateful brat?!" The person, who was walking beside him for past 30 minutes and watching him throwing the childish tantrums, exclaimed "This cost me ₩3, 66,789 you rascal!"

Jungkook just huffed. He was done with it. Witnessing the sulking manchild with puffed up cheeks, his friend just sighed. He had known him for long, thus the former's actions not surprising him.

"Will you stop scowling for once, Kook?

"Ugh! I can't help it Jimin hyung" Jungkook groaned " I hate-"

The said guy interrupted him, " The winter season. Yes, I know you completely, infinitely, indefinitely HATE the season" Jimin paused, grateful that his dongsaeng stopped his throwing tantrums, "And I am not even going to bother asking you about it"

"Then hyung why-" Jungkook spoke up to get interrupted again.

"Which is why I pulled you out of your hellhole, which you call your so called- 'house', where you have been wrapped up in a blanket like a cocoon, watching Titanium man-"

"Iron man hyung-"

"AND thus you should be grateful you punk" Jimin continued not letting the poor child speak.

"But hyung-" Jungkook countered in vain.

"Moreover, I AM PAYING for whatever you are going to have right now!" Jimin exclaimed yet again.

That's it. Jungkook lost his patience and stomped his foot on the well paved brick, screamed at the top of his lungs, "JIMIN SHIIIIIIIIIIII !!"

Jimin's eyes became as side as saucers, "Disrespect at its height!" He yelled in counter, "How could you call me that huh?! .. FIRSTLY, I am TWO years older than you..SECONDLY, I was born in Busan first,

And most important: I HAVE EATEN 2130 MORE BOWLS OF RICE THAN YOU, YOU COPYCAT!" Jimin panted, catching his breath.

Jungkook on the other hand was calm and content, glad that at least he was able to shut the elder up.

"Why are you imbeciles scaring the daylights out of people", A new voice entered the conversation.

Both Jimin and Jungkook turned their heads towards the source of the voice, finding no one.

Jungkook kept looking around when he heard Jimin mumbling. Not understanding the elder he asked, "I didn't get you, hyung"

The said man replied, "Look". Jungkook's eyes followed the direction in which the elder's finger was pointing, although he had a hard time spotting the finger itself first. Eyes squinting, Jungkook replied, "Is that a cat?"

The elder scooped the feline in his arms, "Or is it Yoongi hyung?" Jimin laughed, "I wouldn't be surprised if hyung is a hybrid and this is his animal form"

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