Chapter One: Salem

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Nobody expected Dethklok to make a collaboration with another band. They were already the most popular, and thought they were above everyone else; they were even the twelfth largest economy, they really didn't need to do any stunts for more publicity. They also really didn't need to, or probably want to, stroke the egos of 'lesser-known' bands.

So when they, or rather Charles, announced that they would do a new album with the second most popular band as part of it, everyone was shocked but also hyped. But no one was more excited than the band that got to collab with Dethklok- The Excommunicated (a name created by the leader of the band)- and among the band members, Salem was the most pumped.

"Salem," Nathalia, the leader and singer of the band tried to reason with her close friend, though she couldn't help but to be amused as the shorter person practically bounced off of the walls, grabbing everything they could think of to pack, even debating on sticking a few LIVE plants in their already too-full bag. "They're probably gonna kick us out within like, the first two fucking seconds."

"Shut up!" Salem laughed as they gleefully tossed the rest of their clothes in their bag and zipped it shut. "Why aren't you more excited? We get to meet Dethklok! Sleep at the Mordhaus! Sing with them!"

"I am, you crackhead," Nathalia said as she rolled her eyes, "but we also have a job to do, and you can't be acting like this the whole time."

"Bite me." Salem pouted as they began to yank their bags toward the door. Nathalia was definitely more of the type of person to only stop her excitement long enough to chastise others for feeling the same way, but Salem knew better. They could tell she was using all her willpower to keep herself contained, so she could look cool and aloof about the whole thing. Well, whatever made her feel better, but if she contained too much of this energy for too long something was going to eventually give, probably at the wrong time.

They stopped once to check their reflection to see how they looked. They wore a buttoned plaid shirt with half of the buttons undone to show off part of their pale chest and partially their stomach (because they just liked being an oddball but also because they usually got hot in the shirt), and had on a pair of ripped jeans with black leggings underneath them. Their hair was short and spiky, dark makeup around their eyes, and piercings going down their nose. They also had a medusa and labret piercing, and various other piercings on their ears, eyebrows, and cheek.

Tattoos also lined their neck, chest, arms, and any other body part they could find. Tattoos of skulls, zombie wolves, their zodiac sign (Libra), a rose, and even one of their own band logo on the back of their hand. The only one that seemed to stand out a lot was a colorful, scribbled signature that no one could really make out, across the left side of their chest, which they were very protective over and refused explaining the meaning of to anybody.

As Salem studied themselves in the mirror, Nathalia smirked. "Don't worry, you look hot enough for them."

Salem scoffed and turned around to face Nathalia. "What're you talking about?"

"Oh c'mon, I know you're trying to impress them," Nathalia shrugged as she walked up to put an arm around her friend in a patronizing manner. Nathalia was a bit taller (though everyone was taller than Salem), with long, black hair and light brown roots poking through, and dark brown eyes. She wore a crop top and short shorts, both black, despite the hot weather. She absolutely refused to wear a bra at all times purely for the pleasure of seeing her own nipple piercings, which she 'did herself' (though one had to be redone professionally after the original closed and healed, because she somehow managed to put it in vertically whereas the other was horizontal, and it just "looked weird" to her). There were a few tattoos on her as well, including a few satanic symbols, some thorns, a dragon on her shoulder, and the word 'Bitch' across her arm- and also had some other piercings aside from the nipples, but the most noticeable feature to everyone else was the large scar-type discoloration on her back. Her sharp, black nails tapped Salem's shoulder in thought. "Hmm..."

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