Chapter Twenty Two: "Murr"

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The dull but consistently annoying pain in Murderface's neck was the first thing he noticed when his eyes blinked hazily to the bright light shining over his face. He winced and attempted to move his arm to shield his face, but felt the tug of cords stopping him. 

The second thing he noticed was that damn demon's voice laughing in his ear as he was roused from his sleep. He winced at hearing the horrible scratching sound, it felt like nails literally grazing across his brain. "Fuckh," he muttered to himself.

Seems as though your plan didn't go well, did it? The voice sounded cheerful as it mocked him, and it irked him, but he was too tired to fight with it this soon.

Instead, Murderface focused on the fact that the lights ahead had dimmed and then some footsteps began heading in his direction. "M'Lord," one of the Klokateers greeted. "I'm happy to see you awake, I'll go tell Abigail."

"Eh? Oh, uh okhay." Murderface muttered, trying to actually process what they had said. By the time he had figured it out, the Klokateer was already gone.

Murderface winced in pain as he shuffled uncomfortably in his bed. His neck felt like it was burning, and through the dulling memories that began to fill in the pieces, he realized what had happened, and why he was in so much pain.

"Now I juscht lookh likhe a Pickhles Ckhopyckkat," Murderface spat in annoyance with more saliva in his mouth than usual from his throat hurting too much to swallow it right now.

Abigail walked in soon after; Murderface couldn't move but he could hear the crisp click of her heels as she walked in until she actually came into his line of sight to look down at him.

"You're awake," she said in relief, and though he didn't meet her eyes, he definitely felt weird about hearing her sound so pleased about it. He was the band's fuck up, the piece of shit, the-

"You've been out since we found you earlier, so not a full day yet," she explained when she saw how blank his face looked, probably assuming that he was just confused. "Now that everyone's awake, I can breathe a little," she sighed, and Murderface frowned a little at that.

"Everyone? Scho Pickhles..." Murderface said slowly, and Abigail nodded.

"Salem, too."

"Schalem?" Murderface's pulse quickened at just hearing that name, but no emotions actually came to mind as he stared blankly at her, other than just confusion. "What happened with them?"

"They overdosed, so they're currently recovering. Probably the fastest out of you and Pickles," she stated. 

"Oh." Murderface blinked. They were all a disaster apparently, but he found himself feeling relief that no more people had pulled a dumb ass and tried harming themselves, which was weird, uncomfortable, and abnormal of Murderface's normal emotional pattern; which was usually just embarrassment, anger, and regret, much to Murderface's obnoxious self-awareness.

"Well anyway, how are you feeling? Do you need anything before I go check on something else?"

Murderface tried shaking his head but winced to the pain in his neck. "Ack... No, 'm good."

"Alright, the buzzer is there for a Klokateer, and there's another buzzer if you need me specifically," Abigail explained as she pointed out the buttons to him. "Rest up and the medicine should allow you to leave the room by tomorrow."

He definitely didn't feel like he was ready to leave the room by tomorrow, but he also knew how advanced Mordhaus was. It was just that he was in too much pain to remember that for the time being.

Murderface dozed in and out of consciousness for a while, dimly aware of the voice in his head mocking him, and the various Klokateers coming in to make sure his stupid ass was actually breathing.

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