Lemme introduce Myself!

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Kim TaeYeon, the group kid leader. Main vocal, musical actress, dancer and model. Cute, dorky, second shortest of the group, easy going, very charismatic, secretive and very mature at times needed.

Tiffany Hwang, brighter than the jewel. Main vocal, musical actress, dancer and model. Tall, pretty, sexy, very open, friendly and funny and has a very pretty eye-smile.


Romantic Fantasy Concert

“Girls, come over.” Taeyeon, the groups’ leader commanded and the rest gather around her. “I’m nervous. I’m sure you all are too. But we have to do our best there on stage. We have to show them what we got and what we are capable of. We’ve worked so hard on this album. Now it’s time.” Taeyeon said encouragingly but smiling nervously. “Tae, it’s ok. We’ll do our best. We always do.” Tiffany said assuringly while rubbing the back of Taeyeon’s hand and eye-smiling at her. Taeyeon blushed at Tiffany’s eye-smiles ‘Geez Tiff, don’t give me that.’ Taeyeon thought to herself and looked away.

“Ok, right now..” all of them put their hands together..”..it’s Girls’ Generation” and flung their hands up high and shouted “FIGHTING!”.

One of the staff called Taeyeon and Tiffany to the side. “You two are up next. Taeyeon, stand up front while Tiffany will be in the stall in the far middle.” The two nodded and waited for their turn.

“Tae, you ok?” Tiff asked worriedly at Taeyeon’s blank state. “Yeah, Just a bit nervous. It’s been a long time since we had a duet you know.” Taeyeon smiled half-heartedly. “I know, I’m sure it’ll come out great.” Tiffany hold Taeyeon’s hand tight and watched as the performers on stage are walking to the exit.

“Taeyeon and Tiffany, you’re up!” The staff said clearing the way. The two walked up the stage and stood in their assigned places where Taeyeon is in up front and Tiffany in her side a bit back in the far middle. The intro of their song ‘Lost In Love’ was played and Taeyeon started singing the first part.

Are we really breaking up now?

Or is it just a short break, like we promised

It seems like this is as much as I can take

Why haven’t I heard from you

Tiffany next sang the second part..

I love you, it’s alright even if i

Have to wait forever

I’ll be smiling when you come

Back to me again


Taeyeon wanted to look at Tiffany but she can’t or it’ll be so obvious so she slightly turn her head and look at Tiffany in the corner of her eyes and sang again..

I still can’t accept the fact that

you were the one who announced

our separation

I just want to take your words

As it is

What are you doing right now

‘I wish I was standing just right next to her. I wanted to see her face while she sings’. Tiffany thought but shook it off her head and focused again at singing just looking at Taeyeon’s back.

Both were so engrossed at the song that they didn’t noticed it was nearing its end. Even the audience were so into the song that the whole place were so silent, only hearing the voices of them singing.

I’m not upset, because I believe

That you’ll look for me again

This belief will strengthen my

Love for you,

And give me the strength to live on.


And the audience clapped and cheered for them as they waved and exited the stage.

The girls ran over to Taeyeon and Tiffany congratulating them of their performance. “OMG! Taeyeon and Tiff! we almost cried!” blurted out the girls as they hugged the two. “That was so great!” said Hyoyeon as she punched Taeyeon lightly in her arm and raising her hand for a high five. Taeyeon high-fived her and just smiled. Tiffany on the other hand, was squealing with the other girls as they told her how the two were on stage.

“Must be hard not to look at each other when singing huh.” Sooyoung said to Tiffany with a wide grin plastered on her face. “I know, we always try to look at each other when we sing. Too bad I wasn’t able to give Tae my pretty eye-smiles.” She said laughing at the thought of Tae blushing at her trademark eye-smile.  “It could have been fun. But the song is sad so it would be awkward.” Tiffany said and Sooyoung just smiled.

The girls all waited in the backstage waiting for their final performance. Everyone was busy checking the girls’ outfits. Their mics, hats, make-ups, everything. And the girls all lined up and waited for the mc’s cue.

This is it! The album single. Their comeback song.


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