"Let's Get Tattoos"

Start from the beginning

“Do you trust me Addy?” Holden grabs onto my hand and gives it a little squeeze.

“Yes.” I answer without any doubt.

Then how about I choose your tattoo and vice versa. They won’t be bigger than a game token and you’ll only know what it is after the artist is done.”

“This is totally crazy and will make one hell of a story. Let’s do it.”

We both took some time in deciding the other’s tattoo. Holden decided to go first whilst I waited patiently, wondering if I had made the right choice.

Time passed and it was finally my turn. I had decided to get the tattoo just below my breast, lord only knows what compelled me to do that.

Ready to see the monster badass killer print I chose for you?” Holden laughed and I could only hope he was joking.

I look into the mirror and see a tiny silhouette of a ballerina in her forth position.

“Holden, it’s perfect.”

I’ve only seen you practice in the school gymnasium but anybody can notice your talent and passion, so I thought this would be befitting. Now let me see mine.”

Holden begins to remove the covering on his leg revealing his tattoo. He remains silent for a moment and just stares at it and nervousness took over my body.

“Do you not like it?”

I actually can’t believe why I didn’t think of getting this before.”

“Well you’re always helping out at the ranch back home and horse’s shoes are supposed to bring good luck, so I thought why not?”

I think we both did excellent jobs choosing but let’s not do that ever again, the pressure was just crazy. What if you hated it? It’s not exactly something you can just get rid of easily.” Holden runs his hands through his hair and I can’t help but laugh at his little outburst.

“Come on, let’s head back to the hotel and get some rest. If we hit the road around sundown we can reach Las Vegas in under 7 hours.” I do a little shimmy as Holden places his hand on my lower back and we leave the parlour.

End of p.o.v

Addison took the first driving whilst Holden continued to keep her entertained singing along to pop hits on the radio until it was his turn to take over the wheel.

Well into the night, Holden pulled over his truck to the side of the highway and instructed Addison to get out for a moment.

“Looking at the stars is kind of our thing wouldn’t you say?” Holden leaned against the passenger side of his truck next to Addison.

“Only you would pull off to the side of the road in the middle of nowhere to admire the stars.” Addison laughs.

“I just want to cherish every moment with you.”

Addison’s hand finds Holden’s and the two interlock fingers and stare into the abyss. Little did they know this would be their last moment of silence for quite some time.

Las Vegas, Nevada

The bright lights of the strip welcome one and all as they enter sin city. It’s not hard to figure out why this county had such a treacherous nick name that seemed to draw more people in then scare them off, sin really did wait around every corner.

Holden and Addison took in the beauty of the city as they drove along its streets. The various casino’s and clubs called out to tourists like a siren whilst the restaurants and theatres offered some reprieve.

I can’t believe you got us a hotel room in Caesars palace, that place is legendary. I can’t wait to put on my fancy suit and strut about.”

“It’s only a one night stay just like California. After this we’ll be stuck on the road most of the time until New York so let’s make the most of our time here.”

“Well we have a lot of things to do. This may be the only time I can take you to Paris and Egypt.” Holden points out towards the Eiffel tower and Pyramid.

“We’ll first check into the hotel and change. Then maybe you can take me out for that breakfast buffet that’s open 24hrs.”

Sounds legendary. You know I just realised, we’re in Vegas but can’t gamble.”

“I’m not really upset about that. I prefer facts over probability and luck, plus the whole system is rigged.”

Let’s get you inside before some mafia casino boss comes for our heads.”

“If only it could be Massimo.”


“Nothing never mind.” 

Addison blushes whilst Holden rolls his eyes. The two knew their stay in Vegas would be an unforgettable one, unfortunately it’ll turn out to be for all the wrong reasons.

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