unwelcome visitor - 3

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She softly set me down, once my face was clear. Her wiping her mouth with a smirk and swiping her tongue across her pointy teeth. She waved me away with her hand, me getting my bearings and and walking from the room.

I guess she didn't want anyone else's blood but my own.

I was completely dazed at the fact that she literally licked my face like a feral animal, especially after slamming me down.

To many people, this would be hell. For me, this was my heaven and my reality. I quickly fixed her a drink, doing my best to make sure it was perfect. I hurried back into the room, handing her the glass and standing back a bit.

"Thank you." She said, sipping the hard drink, and hissing. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and humming. She swirled the drink around, sighed before she started.

"This is delightful." She praised, confidence surging through me.

"Well ma'am, I've had years of practice." I told her, giving her a smile. She nodded, wiping her eyes sneakily.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, but are you alright mistress?" I asked, finding the courage to lean down and look her in her face.

"No." She answered, taking off her hat and setting it down.

"Would you like to confide in me? I'm quite the listener. Ask your d-" I paused, almost telling on myself, and my conversations with her daughters. "Ask anybody." I finished, sitting down in front of her cross legged. She took another sip of her drink before starting.

"This 'family' is unrelentingly irksome. Mother Miranda treats me as if I am some stranger on the street! Giving my idiotic little brother, Heisenberg, the duty of disposing of Ethan Winters. I am much more than my little brother. She should have trusted me to rid her of him!" She yelled, slamming her hand onto the top of her vanity.

"Ethan Winters?" I asked, her eyes following me critically.

"You know of him child?" She asked.

"Yes mistress, I have heard stories. Seven actually. Please continue." I told her, anyone who was anyone knew of the myth of Ethan Winters.

(a/n: if you caught this reference, i fucking love you.)

"He has no idea what class is! He would much rather put on a moronic show, than focus on the man's suffering. Additionally, Mother Miranda does not think I know, but she confided in Donna that I would not be a suitable candidate to become Eva's vessel." Even though she was obviously angry, there was a tinge of sadness in the back of her eyes. I've never seen this side of her.

"I can bear children, look at me!" She said, suddenly standing up. She did a small twirl in front of me, showing me her assets. Her toned and strong legs, her flat stomach and perfectly sculpted body. She was the epitome of attractive. She flexed a muscle, looking away and then down to me.

 "And my strength is unmatched. Her doubt in my capabilities is quite..." She stopped, taking a breath.

"Depressing?" I thought a moment, before speaking. Finishing her sentence for her.

"Yes, quite depressing." She nodded, wiping a few stray hairs from her face. 

"Pardon my saying so mistress, but as long as I have lived here, a blind person can see how well you have raised your daughters. You've raised fine children, and Eva would be lucky to have your body to carry her." I complimented her, gesturing her to sit back down. My mind was racing with the most disgusting thoughts about her, and I wasn't sure that I could contain myself.

"I know not much about the inner workings of your siblings and mother mistress, but you have made me happy. I only wish you truly find some of that happiness for yourself." I told her as genuinely as possible.

A Deer In The Village Of Lions {completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu