~Chapter Nineteen~

Start from the beginning

“Childern.” Liam says with a certain authority. “Rachel, although Catherine was wrong to call you a bitch, it is tradition to dress up for Sunday Funday.” He says this with such seriousness that, even though I want to laugh, I can’t. I mean, for Hell’s sake, he said the word Funday.

“Can’t there be a new tradition in which Rachel gets to be lazy?” I ask, trying not to whine, but I really don’t want to go get changed.

“No.” Catherine says, dead serious. I just look over at her and stick my tongue out and make a weird face, and I hear Niall make a snort-like sound and hold in laughter before Catherine hits him. I give a pleading look to Liam and he sighs.

“Sorry Rachel, we all had to dress up.” He says.

“Well technically, you didn’t HAVE to…” I say trailing off and trying to stall.

“Come on Rachel.” Rebecca says.

“Yeah it’s fun!” Jordyn says with a smile, and Louis who is sitting right next to her plants a kiss on her cheek. I'm astonished.  Jordyn never used to think that dressing up was “fun.” Fuck this, I'm going to my room. I stand up and get approving glances from everyone as they continue to set up Life and establish teams. They think I'm leaving to change, but no, I am going to sit in my room and play on my phone until they forget that I exist. I flop on my bed and pick up  my phone to see that I have a text message from Ed.

“Mornin.” It reads.

“Hey!” I send back, I get a response quickly.

“What up?” He asks.

“Pretending not to exist. You?” I ask him in return, and again await the answer.

“Fancy a walk?” He asks, and I think about it for a moment.

“Sure.” I send back and grab a jacket before tiptoe-ing down the stairs.

“I BROKE MY LAPTOP?! REALLY?!” I hear Jordyn yell and I know it’s safe to sneak past. As I tip toe past, I look into the living room, and they all seem so happy, and none of them are looking at me. Well, almost none. Niall catches my eye and he’ staring at me. Quickly, I put a finger in front of my mouth in a quieting motion, he nods then goes back to the game, and I make sure I'm out of sight before anyone else can notice me. I remember to grab a key on the way out, and I close the door softly behind me.  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Ed.

“Meet you at the Starbucks, 2 blocks down from the boys.” The text reads and I send back a simple ok before I shove my jacket on and putting the key in my pocket. I start walking, noticing how cold it’s getting. Not that I don’t love the cold, but walking in it sucks. Finally I get to Starbucks, and I'm not sure if Ed is there or not. I pull my phone out of my pocket before entering to make sure I haven’t missed his text, but I haven’t. I enter Starbucks, and order a hot chocolate at the counter. I wait a couple minutes as the barista fixes it, then hands it to me. I look around before noticing a certain bright green hoodie waving at me.

“Conspicuous.” I tell Ed with a smile as I sit down at his table. He laughs slightly, and I take in what he’s wearing. It’s a normal Ed get up, jeans, sneakers and a hoodie, nothing special or fancy.

“I thought you’d be playing board games with the boys.” He says, a small smile playing on his lips.

“No, they kicked me out like Regina in sweat pants.” I say.

“Um…?” He asks.

“Mean Girls? Regina wears sweat pants and it’s not a Friday so it isn’t allowed and she’s not allowed to sit with her popular friends?” I ask, hoping it rings a bell.

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